Research Papers : [31] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 31
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Jul-2024Indigenous knowledge and marketing of edible wild fruits in Zimbabwe: A case study of Shurugwi, Gokwe south, Chirumhanzu, and Chivi districts
Sep-2024Physical Attributes and Nutritional Composition of Meat from Dual purpose (Sasso C431 and TR51) Broiler Breeds in Ntabazinduna, Zimbabwe
2-Sep-2024Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of dairy farmers on antibiotic use and their effects to health in Gweru district, Zimbabwe
28-Aug-2024Proximate, functional and sensory characteristics of blended yellow maize and hard-to-cook cowpea extruded snacks
24-Jun-2024Assessment of knowledge, and practices of urban women towards folic acid fortified maize meal in Zimbabwe
11-Jun-2024Contribution of Farm-level Hygiene and Handling Practices to Microbial Safety Profiles in the Informal Dairy Sector in Zimbabwe
29-Nov-2023The effect of herbal Lippia javanica extracts on the bioactive content, functional properties, and sensorial profile of biofortified-orange maize based fermented maheu
6-Feb-2024Iron, Zinc and Total Phenolic Content in Cooked Biofortified NUA 45 and Gloria Sugar Beans: The Case of Zimbabwe
19-Oct-2023Optimisation of nutritional composition of traditional porridges produced from blended pearl millet, cowpeas, and wild loquat and velvet wild medlar fruits
29-Jun-2023Edible indigenous fruits in Zimbabwe: A review on the post-harvest handling, processing, and commercial value
22-Jul-2022Performance Evaluation of Cultured Bacteria in the Treatment of Opaque Beer Brewery Wastewate
31-Jul-2022Supplemental Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces meal improves water-holding capacity, decreases fat content of Japanese quail meat and maintains meat yield and tenderness
28-Aug-2016Microbial species of safety concern in milk from informal processors in Harare, Zimbabwe
30-Sep-2016Treatment of a mahewu processing plant wastewater using coagulant Ferrifloc 1820
Jul-2015Aerobic mesophilic treatment of potato industry wastewater
5-Oct-2020Detection of mycotoxins in opaque beer production
4-Nov-2019Protein quality of commonly consumed edible insects in Zimbabwe
1-Oct-2019Effect of dietary substitution of maize meal with finger millet meal on fat deposition on broiler meat
13-Sep-2022Prevalence of Aflatoxin Contamination in Peanuts and Peanut Butter from an Informal Market, Harare, Zimbabwe
11-Nov-2022Edible Insects Consumption in Africa towards Environmental Health and Sustainable Food Systems: A Bibliometric Study
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 31