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Title: Pupils'perceptions and their teachers' awareness of continuity in mathematics instruction at the primary- secondary transition phase in gweru urban schools in Zimbabwe
Authors: Chauraya, Million
Keywords: Continuity-mathematics
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Midlands Sate University
Series/Report no.: The Dyke;Vol. 3.2; p.43-57
Abstract: The study examined form 1 pupils' perceptions of continuity in mathematics instruction at the primary secondary school transition phase and their teachersí awareness of such continuity. Three hundred Form 1 pupils in 6 selected secondary schools in Gweru-urban area, their mathematics teachers and Heads of Mathematics Departments (HODs) participated in the study in 2004. The study focused on the pupils' perceptions of content and pedagogical continuity in mathematics instruction at the transition phase, as well as continuity in their perceptions ofthe subject. It also sought to examine the Form 1 teachersí awareness ofthe need for curriculum continuity in mathematics instruction and to identify efforts they made to enhance it in their practice. Questionnaires were completed by the Form 1 pupils and their teachers, whilst interviews were conducted on the HODs. The results showed that the pupils perceived content continuity in mathematics, but lack of continuity was found in pupilsí perceptions oftheir teachers' instructional practices. Pupils continued to perceive mathematics positively. The teachers and the HODs showed an appreciation ofthe need for continuity in mathematics instruction, but were doing little to enhance curriculum continuity in mathematics instruction in a deliberate fashion. The study recommended that secondary school mathematics teachers obtain and use primary school documents such as the syllabus and textbooks in preparing their Form 1 lessons. It also recommended the adoption of deliberate strategies such as regular professional development meetings between primary and secondary school mathematics teachers, and pupils carrying their progress reports from Grade 7 to Form 1, so as to provide Form 1 teachers with sufficient mathematics background information about their pupils on which to base their instruction.
ISSN: 1815-9036
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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