ID: 799e0eb8-5898-4dc8-a04e-e5f292fe76a8 - Impact of the director`s circular no 36 of 2006 on the assessment and evaluation of teaching and learning in accounts at Ordinary Level in Mbare Secondary Schools
ID: de217fcc-d5a9-40aa-8c55-eb25501d36eb - Pupils'perceptions and their teachers' awareness of continuity in mathematics instruction at the primary- secondary transition phase in gweru urban schools in Zimbabwe
ID: 88e27751-9141-4fb0-bf98-0debd1cc5406 - Challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of inclusive education in Lower Gwelo Cluster schools
ID: bdb53700-e9c3-4f49-9fd0-7976011bd5ea - Standing at the crossroads: An overview of reflections on paradigms of African women’s inclusion and exclusion in the religion and gender relations discourse in Zimbabwe
ID: c4c436d3-5531-4aa7-8a6f-5a22c1390a74 - A- Level Textile Technology and Design Curriculum Compatibility with Industry Requirements in Harare, Zimbabwe
ID: b93add38-619b-4284-8b2a-ac0285f30dce - An assessment into the challenges faced by students in the use of information communication technology (ICT) at primary level
ID: fc576b21-7e27-481d-b4cd-98886b2cc925 - Teachers attitudes on the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of mathematics in Gweru urban selected primary schools
ID: 0fd80cb2-28be-469b-ae65-b54a29b1c7a0 - A study of ways the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education is mainstreaming ZIMASSET in Secondary Schools
ID: 8d64c319-9393-4a8f-b8fb-385ed89de101 - Creating and Developing Capacities for National Healing and Peace Building in Zimbabwe Through ‘Difficult History’
ID: cab33f6e-9482-494d-a2f6-c65d500c6feb - The teaching and learning of slow learners in mathematics at Secondary School level in Gweru Zimbabwe.
ID: 65bd16e5-0449-4aee-bf23-a4bbd8fa03dc - An investigation into the challenges faced by pupils in composition writing at ‘O’ Level: a study of three secondary schools in Kadoma urban area.
ID: 7c6988c9-bea0-4572-97c7-673f34882108 - Factors leading to negative attitudes towards learning of mathematics at secondary school in Kwekwe district
ID: 7f46deee-80bc-49b2-8904-1d15480de12a - The quest for quality project supervision: supervisor- supervisee relationship in the Education Faculty at Midlands State University in Zimbabwe
ID: ce8ed682-0135-457d-82d5-b3bc768e286b - Factors that lead to high failure rate in history subject in selected schools in Mberengwa district
ID: ad229d38-37a7-4f6a-a324-f9743f90ab6e - The Eight Years of Interaction: Lessons from Zimbabwe’s Look East Policy and the Future of African Countries and Asia-Pacific Region
ID: fd0def81-08a6-4d83-8e35-43593b274dc9 - Decolonising the Zimbabwean ordinary level Food Technology and Design curriculum
ID: 1369dd96-87b7-4b11-a680-3383feedf991 - Teachers’ Perceptions and implementation of inquiry-based learning in rural schools
ID: 45067231-eb7c-49f0-a46a-40e2189482f8 - The Impact of Change in Fashion and Fabrics Coursework Requirements at Ordinary Level: A Case Study of Lower Gweru Schools in Zimbabwe
ID: 8287b5e8-2b80-43ea-8609-af994d96458f - Factors contributing to poor performance in English at ordinary level in rural schools in Umguza district.
ID: 9119456f-5ebd-4bcc-a4bc-14a125822b16 - Naming, space and power in Noviolet Bulawayo’s We need new Names (2013) and Lawrence Hoba’s ‘The first Trek – The pioneers’ in The Trek and other stories (2009) : Windhoek, Namibia, 18-20 September 2017
ID: bb4c8010-a3ee-4def-acd5-c63d31649dff - An investigation into the causes of learners’ negative attitudes towards History at Secondary School level in Mount Darwin District Rural Schools.
ID: 563847f4-927f-43f4-be12-64eac5bc35c9 - The Change Project Approach: A response for reorienting teacher education to address Education 2030 in southern Africa – The case of Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
ID: 61fd45b5-4641-4b9d-a03b-a156357d7e57 - Resourcing the implementation of Zimbabwe’s new updated curriculum: analysis of rural primary schools experiences in Murewa Nheweyembwa cluster in Murewa district
ID: da19d8eb-a989-45b6-8ba7-6c61686a0742 - STEM implementation in rural secondary schools: a case of Kwekwe Zhombe district.
ID: 58f0643b-842d-4bcc-add0-090d71a2c0ab - A- Level Textile Technology and Design Curriculum Compatibility with Industry Requirements in Harare, Zimbabwe
ID: 0a8f239f-91a8-4d92-b643-a0413ae8c5c7 - An investigation into the role of diagrams in problem solving in mathematics at form four level at Chifedza high school in Chivi district
ID: a835139e-0e88-43e0-a392-1ba228e7732c - An investigation into the integration of Information Communication and Technology in the teaching and learning of Geography in five schools in Chitungwiza District
ID: 2bb32fb8-5efb-4554-9784-3a0578b45447 - The low pass rate in Geography at Ordinary Level in rural secondary schools: The case of Garikayi Secondary School in Silobela circuit in Kwekwe district.
ID: 0047d194-6079-480c-91f1-f8e98cdb4953 - An assessment of the effectiveness of electronic media into teaching and learning in secondary schools of Gokwe South District in Midlands Province.
ID: b6441a1c-d319-457c-adfa-018226ef31d5 - Factors which influence performance of biology students in Gweru district secondary schools.
ID: e4ee34ab-3cb5-4783-815f-6ebe169c0b0b - Features of a Developing Mathematics Professional Learning Community and Affordances for Teacher Learning Opportunities
ID: edd5f00e-9c0b-4fa0-aef5-cbb01354607a - A study of the challenges faced by the visually impaired students at Midlands State University, in Gweru, urban district, Zimbabwe
ID: 121cc915-092c-414c-9cdc-865e778df8fc - The extent to which the introduction of information communication technology is being embraced by the elderly teachers and school administrators in rural secondary schools: a case study of Gokwe south district
ID: 7e344cb6-fb18-44f6-a188-6eb1ea01e602 - Challenges faced in implementing a functional environmental education programme in secondary schools: a case of Mhondoro-Mubaira Cluster, Chegutu District.
ID: 92220282-f7e7-4591-b6e3-ebf8ca117774 - Calamities Abound: Impact of COVID-19 Face-to-Screen Induced Learning among University Students in Zimbabwe
ID: ea029240-6b9a-41ac-9574-2139d4c59def - Perceptions of teachers in implementing simulation games in the teaching and learning of Geography at Zimbabwe Junior Certificate Level: a case of Wedza Rural District Secondary Schools
ID: 4613a7ae-8cd5-464d-8d1e-70eeefee9a1e - Critical Appreciation of the Dichotomy of Harm and Healing in Selected War Fiction in Shona Language - Communal and Everyday Aspects of Healing in Zimbabwe
ID: 19b7ce44-0fc6-4b75-821c-c13fc56348bc - Impact of integrating smartphones in the teaching and learning of Mathematics in Chegato Cluster, Mberengwa district, Zimbabwe
ID: c063becd-ec6d-4884-b8bb-0186edb11b6c - Decolonising participatory research: can Ubuntu philosophy contribute something?
ID: e6b9ffbd-a4cd-46cb-81cc-4bd014361c7c - An evaluation of the inclusive education policy in Zimbabwe: a case study of Danhiko secondary school in Epmafara district.
ID: 16fb7571-1723-40cc-aaf8-e3b3b937cecf - Misconception about photosynthesis and respiration held by grade 11 and 12 biology learners in Onathinge circuit in Namibia.
ID: abbed1de-d247-4a52-90ef-1e93cef64d95 - The influence of polygamy on the academic achievements of pupils in Bubi District
ID: b3f58320-5934-448e-b71c-8401bb0b5c6e - Challenges associated with the implementation of fashion and fabrics curriculum in secondary schools in Nkayi District in Matebeleland North Province.
ID: bb16ec4b-2efd-4b2f-9689-a92befd8e995 - An investigation on the educational gap between learners from affluent and poor backgrounds in Chinhoyi urban cluster, Makonde district
ID: 532bb21b-8c8b-431c-b693-bc9f55edc072 - Interface between gender and the COVID-19 induced work-from-home policy: evidence from a Zimbabwe University
ID: 7575a32a-5239-44ce-af7d-4db24eb71a21 - University Lecturers and Students Preparedness for Online Teaching and Learning in Zimbabwe
ID: 7f3ba70c-2f1a-4df8-84ae-efc30b6fa633 - Perceptions of teachers and learners on the new ordinary level textile technology and design curriculum in the Ntabazinduna cluster in Umguza district in Matabeleland north province, Zimbabwe
ID: f10f199d-dcd7-4183-99da-5257f2d1560b - School dropout in two secondary schools in Zvimba district area
ID: 1b42d569-da0e-490c-ada9-f3ab282174d3 - Perceptions of ordinary level learners who do not register for examinations in principles of accounts: a case of Watershed cluster in Marondera district
ID: c49bf173-f487-4f45-b5e5-697ed1b040cf - Positioning Africa in the global politics surrounding the covid-19 pandemic: A historical appraisal
ID: 086c3098-f7a2-4869-8227-9f87793ff2c9 - Assessment of the challenges faced by the learners in mastering ndebele proverbs in Insiza District.