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Region #
AF - Africa 1195
AS - Asia, other 795
NA - North America 708
EU - Europe 328
OC - Oceania 187
SA - South America 27
Unknown 130
Total 3370
Country #
ZW - Zimbabwe 897
US - United States of America 684
SG - Singapore 553
AU - Australia 181
ZA - South Africa 89
PT - Portugal 85
CI - Cote d'Ivoire 84
CN - China 84
DE - Germany 59
IE - Ireland 50
other - Other Country 604
Total 3370
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Harare 643
Boardman 400
Singapore 364
Marondera 85
Brisbane 72
Melbourne 58
Dublin 38
Beijing 36
Canberra 19
Sydney 19
other 1478
Total 3212
Most viewed items #
ID: 799e0eb8-5898-4dc8-a04e-e5f292fe76a8 - Impact of the director`s circular no 36 of 2006 on the assessment and evaluation of teaching and learning in accounts at Ordinary Level in Mbare Secondary Schools 290
ID: 88e27751-9141-4fb0-bf98-0debd1cc5406 - Challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of inclusive education in Lower Gwelo Cluster schools 70
ID: bdb53700-e9c3-4f49-9fd0-7976011bd5ea - Standing at the crossroads: An overview of reflections on paradigms of African women’s inclusion and exclusion in the religion and gender relations discourse in Zimbabwe 66
ID: b93add38-619b-4284-8b2a-ac0285f30dce - An assessment into the challenges faced by students in the use of information communication technology (ICT) at primary level 56
ID: c4c436d3-5531-4aa7-8a6f-5a22c1390a74 - A- Level Textile Technology and Design Curriculum Compatibility with Industry Requirements in Harare, Zimbabwe 54
ID: fc576b21-7e27-481d-b4cd-98886b2cc925 - Teachers attitudes on the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of mathematics in Gweru urban selected primary schools 52
ID: 58f0643b-842d-4bcc-add0-090d71a2c0ab - A- Level Textile Technology and Design Curriculum Compatibility with Industry Requirements in Harare, Zimbabwe 49
ID: 7f46deee-80bc-49b2-8904-1d15480de12a - The quest for quality project supervision: supervisor- supervisee relationship in the Education Faculty at Midlands State University in Zimbabwe 47
ID: 92220282-f7e7-4591-b6e3-ebf8ca117774 - Calamities Abound: Impact of COVID-19 Face-to-Screen Induced Learning among University Students in Zimbabwe 46
ID: 2bb32fb8-5efb-4554-9784-3a0578b45447 - The low pass rate in Geography at Ordinary Level in rural secondary schools: The case of Garikayi Secondary School in Silobela circuit in Kwekwe district. 43
ID: ad229d38-37a7-4f6a-a324-f9743f90ab6e - The Eight Years of Interaction: Lessons from Zimbabwe’s Look East Policy and the Future of African Countries and Asia-Pacific Region 43
ID: cab33f6e-9482-494d-a2f6-c65d500c6feb - The teaching and learning of slow learners in mathematics at Secondary School level in Gweru Zimbabwe. 42
ID: 45067231-eb7c-49f0-a46a-40e2189482f8 - The Impact of Change in Fashion and Fabrics Coursework Requirements at Ordinary Level: A Case Study of Lower Gweru Schools in Zimbabwe 41
ID: 7f3ba70c-2f1a-4df8-84ae-efc30b6fa633 - Perceptions of teachers and learners on the new ordinary level textile technology and design curriculum in the Ntabazinduna cluster in Umguza district in Matabeleland north province, Zimbabwe 41
ID: 0a8f239f-91a8-4d92-b643-a0413ae8c5c7 - An investigation into the role of diagrams in problem solving in mathematics at form four level at Chifedza high school in Chivi district 40
ID: ce8ed682-0135-457d-82d5-b3bc768e286b - Factors that lead to high failure rate in history subject in selected schools in Mberengwa district 40
ID: 7c6988c9-bea0-4572-97c7-673f34882108 - Factors leading to negative attitudes towards learning of mathematics at secondary school in Kwekwe district 39
ID: a835139e-0e88-43e0-a392-1ba228e7732c - An investigation into the integration of Information Communication and Technology in the teaching and learning of Geography in five schools in Chitungwiza District 39
ID: fd0def81-08a6-4d83-8e35-43593b274dc9 - Decolonising the Zimbabwean ordinary level Food Technology and Design curriculum 39
ID: f26a5a24-58da-43c8-ab37-e9baf258d542 - Analysis of how feminists’ views have affected fashion and dress: a case of female students at a tertiary institution in Gweru 38
ID: 086c3098-f7a2-4869-8227-9f87793ff2c9 - Assessment of the challenges faced by the learners in mastering ndebele proverbs in Insiza District. 37
ID: bb4c8010-a3ee-4def-acd5-c63d31649dff - An investigation into the causes of learners’ negative attitudes towards History at Secondary School level in Mount Darwin District Rural Schools. 37
ID: c49bf173-f487-4f45-b5e5-697ed1b040cf - Positioning Africa in the global politics surrounding the covid-19 pandemic: A historical appraisal 37
ID: 0fd80cb2-28be-469b-ae65-b54a29b1c7a0 - A study of ways the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education is mainstreaming ZIMASSET in Secondary Schools 36
ID: b6441a1c-d319-457c-adfa-018226ef31d5 - Factors which influence performance of biology students in Gweru district secondary schools. 36
ID: 16fb7571-1723-40cc-aaf8-e3b3b937cecf - Misconception about photosynthesis and respiration held by grade 11 and 12 biology learners in Onathinge circuit in Namibia. 35
ID: 45a2f365-eada-48a8-b880-b69e92ee389b - Factors causing low pass rate in biology at ordinary level in Zhombe circuit 35
ID: 61fd45b5-4641-4b9d-a03b-a156357d7e57 - Resourcing the implementation of Zimbabwe’s new updated curriculum: analysis of rural primary schools experiences in Murewa Nheweyembwa cluster in Murewa district 35
ID: edd5f00e-9c0b-4fa0-aef5-cbb01354607a - A study of the challenges faced by the visually impaired students at Midlands State University, in Gweru, urban district, Zimbabwe 35
ID: 0047d194-6079-480c-91f1-f8e98cdb4953 - An assessment of the effectiveness of electronic media into teaching and learning in secondary schools of Gokwe South District in Midlands Province. 33
ID: e4ee34ab-3cb5-4783-815f-6ebe169c0b0b - Features of a Developing Mathematics Professional Learning Community and Affordances for Teacher Learning Opportunities 33
ID: 081a5997-47a8-4626-b5f3-c038584c753e - An investigation into the use of information communication technology (ICT) in the teaching of Geography at ö"level in Mhondoro Ngezi District schools 31
ID: 1369dd96-87b7-4b11-a680-3383feedf991 - Teachers’ Perceptions and implementation of inquiry-based learning in rural schools 31
ID: 65bd16e5-0449-4aee-bf23-a4bbd8fa03dc - An investigation into the challenges faced by pupils in composition writing at ‘O’ Level: a study of three secondary schools in Kadoma urban area. 31
ID: 7575a32a-5239-44ce-af7d-4db24eb71a21 - University Lecturers and Students Preparedness for Online Teaching and Learning in Zimbabwe 31
ID: 9119456f-5ebd-4bcc-a4bc-14a125822b16 - Naming, space and power in Noviolet Bulawayo’s We need new Names (2013) and Lawrence Hoba’s ‘The first Trek – The pioneers’ in The Trek and other stories (2009) : Windhoek, Namibia, 18-20 September 2017 31
ID: e6b9ffbd-a4cd-46cb-81cc-4bd014361c7c - An evaluation of the inclusive education policy in Zimbabwe: a case study of Danhiko secondary school in Epmafara district. 31
ID: f226dfe3-a0de-4192-a2d0-52ab73fe93aa - The problems faced by form four pupils in writing a narrative composition in Bulilima District , Plumtree Matebeleland South Province 31
ID: 563847f4-927f-43f4-be12-64eac5bc35c9 - The Change Project Approach: A response for reorienting teacher education to address Education 2030 in southern Africa – The case of Midlands State University, Zimbabwe 30
ID: 30020924-2e8c-48ed-b489-d893a1a4b277 - An investigation on the impact of loan words in the teaching of isindebele in Khami district Bulawayo province. 29
ID: 488e6a0a-7bc1-4f89-9952-15c308c7008f - The challenges facedb by the ordinary level students in analysing poetry : a case study of Nkulumane High School in Bulawayo Province. 29
ID: 4c30da15-8d19-465e-b729-e1b518be6fa7 - Factors causing ordinary level female students to drop out of school and the effects these could have in Zaka district 29
ID: 5797da64-dd5f-49da-aea0-1d236ccfcd97 - Disability and disaster risk reduction as an incongruent matrix: Lessons from rural Zimbabwe 29
ID: 8d64c319-9393-4a8f-b8fb-385ed89de101 - Creating and Developing Capacities for National Healing and Peace Building in Zimbabwe Through ‘Difficult History’ 29
ID: c21420c4-5f09-45e9-8382-34663aac0048 - Nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices of primary school learners’ parents in Mkoba South: implications for nutrition education. 29
ID: d4c6c5df-b7f4-4b88-a5f9-e3896b3b73c2 - Factors militating against the use of information and communication technology in the teaching and learning of economics at advanced level in Gweru district. 29
ID: bb16ec4b-2efd-4b2f-9689-a92befd8e995 - An investigation on the educational gap between learners from affluent and poor backgrounds in Chinhoyi urban cluster, Makonde district 28
ID: ea029240-6b9a-41ac-9574-2139d4c59def - Perceptions of teachers in implementing simulation games in the teaching and learning of Geography at Zimbabwe Junior Certificate Level: a case of Wedza Rural District Secondary Schools 28
ID: 8287b5e8-2b80-43ea-8609-af994d96458f - Factors contributing to poor performance in English at ordinary level in rural schools in Umguza district. 27
ID: c063becd-ec6d-4884-b8bb-0186edb11b6c - Decolonising participatory research: can Ubuntu philosophy contribute something? 27
ID: abbed1de-d247-4a52-90ef-1e93cef64d95 - The influence of polygamy on the academic achievements of pupils in Bubi District 26
Total 2150

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0001 1724 42
2023 63119 259145152104 402389191 70 1192
2024 07 167272350818 27424800 00 2136
Ever 3370