Research Papers : [52] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 52
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Jul-2024Development of a Modularized Undergraduate Data Science and Big Data Curricular Using No-Code Software Development Tools
21-Aug-2023Integration of SCADA and Industrial IoT: opportunities and challenges
8-Feb-2023Geophysical mapping of the occurrence of platinum group elements in the main sulphide zone of the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe
9-Nov-2015A comprehensive study of the impact of dislocation loops on leakage currents in Si shallow junction devices
3-Oct-2022Scattering Centers to Point Clouds: A Review of mmWave Radars for Non-Radar-Engineers
23-Aug-2022Adaptive Thresholding of CNN Features for Maize Leaf Disease Classification and Severity Estimation
Nov-2022Remote poultry management system for small to medium scale producers using IoT
9-Dec-2013Electrical and optical characterization of extended defects induced in p-type Si after Si ion implantation
18-Nov-2022Microcontroller Unit-Based Wireless Sensor Network Nodes: A Review
2021Design and characterization of a 900 MHz energy harvesting prototype
2021Manhole intrusion detection system with notification stages
2016On the potential of water hyacinth as a biomass briquette for heating applications
2019Women in Physics in Zimbabwe
2019Barrier height inhomogeneities on Pd/n-4H-SiC Schottky diodes in a wide temperature range
2019The stability analysis of spectral relaxation method
2013A study of the T2 defect and the emission properties of the E3 deep level in annealed melt grown ZnO single crystals
2020Horizons Community Board Collection: Biosensors
2012Current-voltage temperature characteristics of Au/n-Ge (1 0 0) Schottky diodes
2010Thermal annealing behaviour of platinum, nickel and titanium Schottky barrier diodes on n-Ge (1 0 0)
2009Thermal stability study of palladium and cobalt Schottky contacts on n-Ge (1 0 0) and defects introduced during contacts fabrication and annealing process
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 52