Research Papers : [51] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 51
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Aug-2024Adaptation and Coping Strategies of Women to Reduce Food Insecurity in an Era of Climate Change: A Case of Chireya District, Zimbabwe
16-Jan-2024The Efficacy of the Development Studies Programme in Zimbabwe’s Development Work
30-Jun-2023Land Resettlement and Elite Monopoly in Peri-urban Harare: The Colonial Legacy of Land Ownership in Post-colonial Zimbabwe, 2000-2019
30-Sep-2018Rural development: Lessons never learnt
16-Oct-2017Transition from growth point policy to liberal urban development in Zimbabwe: The emergence of Ruwa Town, 1980–1991
30-Dec-2018Decolonising urban space: Observations from history in urban planning in Ruwa town, Zimbabwe, 1986-2015
30-Jun-2021Investment by private land developer companies and postcolonial urban growth in Ruwa (Zimbabwe), 1986-2015
Oct-2021The rural electorate in Zimbabwe’s Elections 1980-2018
18-Mar-2022Private-public partnership-produced urban space – An antithesis to ‘the right to the city’: A case study of Ruwa Town, Zimbabwe, from 1986-2021
31-Dec-2020Zimbabwe’s Youth Empowerment Programme and Poverty Alleviation amongst Youths in Gweru Urban District
30-Dec-2020Urban development stakeholders relationships in public-private partnerships: A case study of Ruwa Town, 1986-2015
27-Nov-2015Environmental challenges posed by veld fires in fragile regions: The case of the Bulilima and Mangwe districts in southern Zimbabwe
31-Aug-2017Rural banks for rural agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe in the 21st century
2022Initiatives to boost resilience towards El Niño in Zimbabwe’s rural communities
2017The role of cooperatives in sustaining the livelihoods of rural communities: the case of rural cooperatives in Shurugwi District, Zimbabwe
2018Flooding and poverty: Two interrelated social problems impacting rural development in Tsholotsho district of Matabeleland North province in Zimbabwe
2018The contribution of indigenous knowledge to disaster risk reduction activities in Zimbabwe: A big call to practitioners
2018Managing flood disasters on the built environment in the rural communities of Zimbabwe: Lessons learnt
2016Gendered exclusion and contestation: Malawian women’s migration and work in colonial Harare, Zimbabwe, 1930s to 1963
2015A call to establish a child-centred disaster management framework in Zimbabwe
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 51