Research Papers : [22] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Oct-2024Tour guides as facilitators of learning under field trips
10-Jul-2024The educational value of school-museum visits (SMV) to secondary school learners in Zimbabwe.
12-May-2022Placing the Cart Before the Horse: E-Records Policy Experiences and Lessons from Zimbabwe’s Provincial Government
20-Dec-2023The Records Management (RM) Capabilities of Lecturers at Midlands State University (MSU), Zimbabwe
20-Mar-2023“Of War Tanks and Military Memorabilia”: A Look at the Conservation of Military Collections at the Zimbabwe Military Museum (ZMM)
2022Developing effective study sheets as a vehicle for learning in museums
14-Jul-2016Using contingency valuation approaches to assess sustainable cultural heritage tourism use and conservation of the Outstanding Universal Values (OUV) at Great Zimbabwe World Heritage site in Zimbabwe
2016The Role of Zimbabwean Museums in Creating National Identity during Post-Colonial Era: A case Study of Zimbabwe Military Museum
2017‘Disabled access’: debating the accessibility of Zimbabwe national museums by people with disabilities
14-Dec-2020Teacher influence on school student learning outcomes at National Museums in Zimbabwe
21-Nov-2021Reframing Attitudes and Habits: Strategies for Facilitating Learning in Museums Among Students with Disabilities
25-Oct-2021"Engines and Wagons”: The Challenges and Options of Conserving Railway Heritage
3-Jan-2022Negotiating national identity in postcolonial Zimbabwe through a national dress
2021The ‘new normal’ in higher education: innovative teaching and learning technologies and practices during a crisis
2021Developing operational environments and educational activities for early childhood development students in museums
2021Nation branding in Zimbabwe: archaeological heritage, national cohesion, and corporate identities
2018Sustainable Pest Management Through Preventive Conservation: Case Studies in the Natural History Museum o
2018Challenges and prospects of records maintenance in public departments: The case of the Midlands Province, Zimbabwe
2015Towards a complete documentary heritage of Zimbabwe. Whither oral history?
2016Great Zimbabwe's water
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22