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Title: Secondary school teachers' and pupils' views on the use of mathematics textbooks with answers in Mazowe District
Authors: Maregedze, Lawrence
Chinamasa, Emmanuel
Hlenga, Newton
Keywords: Education
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe’s Human Resources Research Centre
Series/Report no.: Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research (ZJER);Vol. 24; No. 2: p.143-161
Abstract: This study sought secondary school teachers' and pupils' views on the use of mathematics textbooks with answers. It was motivated by the observation that the majority of secondary school pupils in Mazowe district are not using mathematics textbooks with answers although they need instant feedback. Data were collected from a cluster sample of 40 mathematics teachers and 120 secondary school pupils. These responded to a self-reporting questionnaire arid interviews. The study found that the majority(75%) of pupils wished to use textbooks with answers but their teachers (48%). were against it. Teachers argued that mathematics teaching is much more than looking for an answer to a problem hence no need for stretching the limited funds to buy mathematics textbooks with answers. Form 4 pupils tended to use answer books more than forms 1, 2 and 3. Some of participants reported that the average performer in mathematics could benefit more by using a mathematics textbook with answers. Teachers prefer to use answer books with the high performing pupils. Those participants in support of textbooks with answers expect pupils to use them to checkforaccuracy while those against them complain of pupils being motivated to cheat on answers and laziness. Study recommends the increased use of mathematics textbooks with answers by teachers and pupils. Teachers can use textbooks with answers as guides for selecting examples and grading assignments, while pupils can benefit by solving one problem in more than one method to get the same answer and evaluating it. Further research can be done to establish why form three pupils are not keen to use mathematics textbooks with answers.
ISSN: 1013-3445
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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