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Title: Charismatic leadership and the socio-economic transformation of the church
Authors: Matandare, Soneni
Mugomba, Moreen
Keywords: Charismatic leadership, Zimbabwe
Issue Date: Jun-2015
Publisher: Center for Promoting Ideas
Series/Report no.: International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences;Vol. 5, No. 6; p.169-174
Abstract: Some of the contemporary religious movements in Zimbabwe are led or were founded by people who hold considerable charismatic authority and who are believed to have special powers, knowledge and revelations. This paper will define charismatic leadership and transformational leadership closely looking at their theories and characteristics and further go onto explain how charismatic leadership in contemporary churches has influenced the transformation of the church to prosperity. Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa will be used as an example of charismatic leaders in the church today. The paper will also unveil the positive and negative sides of the charismatic leadership.
ISSN: 2220-8488
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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