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Region #
AF - Africa 458
AS - Asia, other 411
NA - North America 303
EU - Europe 117
OC - Oceania 81
SA - South America 7
Unknown 148
Total 1525
Country #
ZW - Zimbabwe 392
US - United States of America 299
SG - Singapore 278
CN - China 84
AU - Australia 79
DE - Germany 35
CI - Cote d'Ivoire 26
PT - Portugal 25
ZA - South Africa 25
PH - Philippines 15
other - Other Country 267
Total 1525
City #
Harare 300
Singapore 186
Boardman 166
Brisbane 27
Melbourne 23
Beijing 22
Shenzhen 15
Marondera 12
Perth 12
Tappahannock 12
other 715
Total 1490
Most viewed items #
ID: 64148c43-baac-4225-a3af-1982103ad3d8 - Sports tourism in Zimbabwe: an analysis 82
ID: d6cf1fd7-a24f-4d3c-9947-1d18364aa629 - Tour guides experiences with tourists with disabilities in Zimbabwe. 70
ID: b4064db5-c028-476b-9158-d1c64976ffb4 - Digital marketing adoption by National Tourism Organisations (NTOs): A Zimbabwean perspective. 63
ID: ec5ca666-594e-4bdb-9e7c-3dec25eb7be5 - Employees’ perceptions of sexual harassment in the hospitality industry: a case of Cresta Jameson Hotel, Harare 58
ID: f2519948-1e7a-4e2c-852a-95c09f0889d5 - The potential, progress and prospects of hunting tourism. A case study of Matetsi Hunting Concession. 54
ID: ca9f8b63-5e4e-4eb1-8cd6-944cd6754a8a - Service Quality: A Key Determinant of Organisational Competitiveness 47
ID: 6437b6b0-d2a0-4693-bfae-b206467adf1c - Agritourism: A Possible Alternative to Zimbabwe’s Tourism Product? 46
ID: 33ef3cab-1633-4f07-bac2-a895dc5e00a1 - Human–wildlife tourism conflict: towards an inclusive wildlife resources utilisation approach in southern Africa 38
ID: 1b34d7b6-bcf5-4361-a82f-0f472e924198 - Graduates’ perception of tourism and hospitality degree program relevance to career attainment: a case of graduates from three state universities in Zimbabwe 37
ID: cac504b3-a16b-4b8f-96d7-c22a3a131b74 - Tour guiding in Zimbabwe: key issues and challenges 33
ID: 280b308d-c0f2-4f00-85f4-25c1d5001311 - Is the Tourism Industry A Fragile Heavy Weight? Validation through a Literature Review of Tourism System Shocks 32
ID: 878f97fd-04e9-46d3-b859-2f24ad2b3176 - Implications of China’s Approved Tourism Destination Status (ADS) on Zimbabwe’s Tourism Environment: Insights from Local and Government Tourism Groups in Zimbabwe 32
ID: 57860c14-8f42-43e7-b134-51a5aa8b646f - Staffing and Working Conditions of Employees in Chinese Restaurants in Zimbabwe- Justifiable 30
ID: a037b87d-5696-415e-8b37-844f907cb364 - Southern Africa Tourism Industry: Recent Trends and Future Prospects 30
ID: 0e07aec6-dc93-4c4c-ba6d-53b8df673775 - FIFA 2010 World Cup: Preparedness of Zimbabwean Hotels. 29
ID: 8ea7ab0f-8dac-4c56-8b52-fbe6e534dbc3 - The role of creative tourism through arts and crafts in promoting inclusive tourism in Zimbabwe 29
ID: 8fdc26dc-d9cc-4526-9fbf-9ea7bd0437d6 - Groundwater development and management constraints in drought prone Chiredzi and Zvishavane Districts, Zimbabwe 29
ID: 5e2b3540-4f77-4602-9b50-1fad0095491d - Post 2010 evaluation of Zimbabwe as a preferred tourist destination. 27
ID: c8461df4-0143-42c8-9d97-f20cb2cac00d - A survey of visitor satisfaction at Victoria Falls Rainforest 26
ID: 71b08221-93bb-42cd-bd79-3edee94e906e - Zimbabwean hospitality students’ experiences of sexual harassment in the hotel industry 25
ID: cfa07fbc-2f7b-4694-9be4-a2e207b3ff2c - Winners and losers: local perceptions of Kruger National Park's commercialisation process 25
ID: 11662474-e1b2-425c-a636-b0bc1dd897a1 - Perceptions and practice of tipping amongst domestic tourists in Zimbabwe 24
ID: 20230c07-2025-474d-b25b-147cb1234145 - A Perceived Significance of Hosting Ata`s Congress in Victoria Falls on Zimbabwe`s Tourism Sector 23
ID: 2e38a2a5-be70-4474-aeb6-b81cfec01d8c - Women in hotel management in Zimbabwe: career ambitions, progression tactics, and career challenges 23
ID: acbf3c98-7d3c-428d-8ae4-644b4292c290 - A Critique of the Methodological Approaches to Hotel Guest Green Consumerism Empirical Researches Since 2000 23
ID: 05eb3410-3a83-4a93-a4b3-59ad76a7768c - COVID-19 and employee-customer relationship: hotel frontline employee perceptions 21
ID: 0d1573dc-b81a-4d19-a565-7b3a010da116 - Trans-Frontier Parks: Tourism Development and Poverty Alleviation Vehicles - Lessons from Southern Africa 21
ID: 908125f3-9498-4e08-810e-8f5ed9177a18 - A Peep into Tourism Development in Zimbabwe: 1980-2010 21
ID: b2e2d06f-ff78-4a68-9240-f5ec424cb8e6 - A Review of the Global Trophy Hunting Procedures and Processes with Illustrations from Zimbabwe 21
ID: 35170b5d-c569-4b7d-8f2f-1e0cd299a6ac - Marketing Destination Zimbabwe During and Post the 2000-2008 Political and Economic Crises 20
ID: 8b408802-9231-4cc3-a9fc-af25eb18eec6 - Ecotourism success story in Zimbabwe: The case of Tsholotsho CAMPFIRE project 20
ID: c9f1be5b-d616-4e7a-815c-b129cf963a64 - The Politicization of COVID-19 Omicron: Southern Africa Tourism Sector 20
ID: 097b1429-5823-4192-ac67-12ad90cab056 - Prospects of virtual exhibitions in the Global South: An exhibitors’ perception 19
ID: efd87fef-2f14-42d6-af73-dd31f022fa5c - The Tourism Sector: A bright light in Zimbabwe`s depressed economic environment 19
ID: 23ad0273-68e7-4d5e-9fd4-c1e71d0bcabc - The physical impacts of tourism in Zimbabwe: the state of the art 18
ID: 453519ee-013b-490c-af11-2edc80f6a29e - Economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Hotel business in Zimbabwe 18
ID: 4fc30d82-44db-40ed-bfed-c7e3edc68147 - CSR reporting among Zimbabwe's hotel groups: a content analysis 18
ID: e3f69079-0712-4592-bd9b-1bd7327dc3e0 - An application of the virtual reality 360° concept to the Great Zimbabwe monument 18
ID: 2a379b46-64e4-4b23-858d-5d083cca095e - COVID-19 and game park employees’ livelihoods in a distressed destination 17
ID: 6b47132b-61b2-476e-acaf-3deac3d7197a - Come and make a real difference: online marketing of the volunteering experience to Zimbabwe 17
ID: 9116ff09-061b-400b-bfb9-537faf6cba18 - Critical shifts in the global tourism industry: perspectives from Africa 16
ID: 9d26d787-de1c-4ad6-8b88-c7d42d431150 - COVID-19 impacts on tourism: Southern Africa’s experiences 16
ID: eff44fba-2123-4172-b913-e80a38880d58 - Exhibitors’ preference at trade fairs: the case of Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) 16
ID: 4a6667b4-c05f-499c-9cea-782bad9332f0 - An investigation of e-commerce adoption inhibitors in the Tourism industry: A Zimbabwe National Parks Perspective 15
ID: 87f4f4d0-14d9-410e-878b-f45bcb0d14fd - Cultural capital, digital capital and stakeholder partnerships: a holy trinity for a sustainable cultural tourism trajectory 15
ID: 1f9f2e8d-e85c-4a9e-a4b6-2d230f36af26 - The future of tourism in Zimbabwe: towards sustainability? 14
ID: 2546f4cb-3c6e-4992-ba02-2c04dab88094 - The development of a universal accessibility framework for National Parks in Zimbabwe and South Africa 14
ID: 447afb8b-3248-4ed0-8a5d-45cbd7ceeaf7 - Re-tooling challenges for Zimbabwean tourism operators in a multi-currency trading environment 14
ID: 53e34f01-1597-488c-9d86-9ce060d0161b - Hotel Characteristics and the Adoption of Demand Oriented Hotel Green Practices in Zimbabwe: A Regression 14
ID: b1c0592e-be64-4711-b485-1e1415ab12b2 - Doing tourism in Southern Africa amid the coronavirus pandemic: Navigating political, socioeconomic and environmental inequalities 14
ID: fe1a83e7-c50a-4bce-9d1f-be5c8c132f62 - Victoria Falls curio sector analysis: insights through the lens of a dollarized economy 14
Total 1385

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0000 59 14
2023 3123 1655731119 47274269 20 613
2024 02 85122147319 6615610 00 898
Ever 1525