Research Papers : [140] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 140
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Simon Chimbetu: a sonic biography
2010Revisiting the language question in Zimbabwe: a multilingual approach to the language in education policy
2020The inevitability of linguistic change: The motivation of borrowing English terms by Shona speakers
2009Empowerment through indigenous literature: the case of Shona novels
2009The Microstructure of Isichazamazwi SesiNdebele
2008Ethnicity and matriarchal protest: a case of dialoguing Shona personal names
2007The role of the African Languages Research Institute in addressing language of instruction dilemmas in Zimbabwe
2007Popular music and the construction of noms de guerre in Zimbabwe's Guerrilla war
2007The martial name in the Zimbabwean conflict (1966–1979)
2007Ethnic slurs as war names in the Zimbabwean liberation war
7-Nov-2017The determinant of non-revenue water in Shurungwi town:a case of Makusha residential area
2013The representation of minority languages and indigenous cultures in Zimbabwean museums
2016Popular music as a mirror to the Zimbabwean crisis
Nov-2013A national language policy for Zimbabwe in the twenty-first century: myth or reality?
2015Remodelling Ndebele culture and sensibilities through modern oral art forms
2011Glide epenthesis as a repairing strategy of English complex peaks in the Tonga linguistic environment: the distinctive feature paradigm
2015Expounding selected Shona novelists’ perspectives on ritual murder
2015Looking back in order to go forward: reading the proverb on a signpost.
2004The detective story pattern in the shona folktale
2012Shona oral art forms in the age of globalisation: reincarnation of the oral prototype
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 140