Research Papers : [84] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 84
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Families divided: disruption of the family in zimbabwe’s fast track land reform programme
2000Where civil blood made soldiers hands unclean; rethinking, war-time coercion in rural Rhodesia: reflections on the Chivi experience 1976-1980
2000Two wrongs do not make a right: a critical assessment of Zimbabwe's demobilization and reintegration programmes, 1980-2000
2002The social basis of 'evil' in pre-colonial Zimbabwe with particular reference to the practice of killing twins among the Karanga
2007The Dutch Reformed Church in the Victoria circle: Chibi circuit, Mashonaland, 1874-1956
2014‘The Pots on Our Roads’The Diaspora Fleet and Harare’s Urban Commuter System
2013The gadzingo: towards a Karanga expansion matrix in 18th- and 19th- century Southern Zimbabwe
2003The Politics of the Womb': Women, Politics and The Environment in Pre-Colonial Chivi, Southern Zimbabwe, c.1840 to 1900*
2008The Chishanga waters have their owners': water politics and development in Southern Zimbabwe
2002Oral traditions as heritage: the historiography of oral historical research on the Shona communities of Zimbabwe some methodological concerns
1999"Of spelling errors and historical distortions: historians museums and the way forward': oral traditions concerning the identity of Maziriri, the Svikiro of the Chivi people
2013Carl Mauch and some Karanga Chiefs around Great Zimbabwe 1871-1872: re-considering the evidence
2011Discipline and Punishment in ZANLA 1964––1979
2007A 'little England' in Chishanga: the fate of a British Empire leprosarium at Ngomahuru, 1925-1946
2014Interrogating generational connections and conflicts on the utility of indigenous knowledge systems as a cultural dimension of development in Zimbabwe
2010Zimbabwe’s illusive national healing and reconciliation processes: from independence to the inclusive government 1980 – 2009
May-2013The food security conflict nexus in Zimbabwe: a historical analysis of everyday experiences, 1980 - 2008
Jul-2010Power, disease and prejudice: a historiographical overview of the syphilis contagion in colonial sub-Saharan Africa, 1890s – 1950s
Feb-2006Gender and higher education in post-colonial Zimbabwe: tentative reflections on policy issues
4-Nov-2006The Zimbabwean entrapment: an analysis of the nexus between domestic and foreign policies in a “collapsing” militant state, 1990 - 2006
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 84