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Title: An investigation into the suitability of Guano fertilizer on farming in Gokwe North District Chireya Ward 5 West Circuit in Midlands Zimbabwe.
Authors: Zaroni, Ezekiel
Keywords: Chemical fertilizers
Health hazards
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: The study entitled ‘ An investigation into the suitability of guano fertilizer on farming in Gokwe North District- Chireya Ward 5 in Midlands Province in Zimbabwe’, was carried out to find out the solution to the problems caused by chemical fertilizers like health hazards, pollutions on water, air, soil only to mention but a few. The study employed an explanatory research design and a qualitative research paradigm. Farmers, agricultural officers, agricultural teachers, local authorities ( village heads, rural council and the government), and the researcher were the key beneficiaries of the study. The study concluded that guano fertilizer was suitable on farming in Chireya and all participants participated in the study believed that chemical fertilizers had devastating health hazards. Therefore, they wanted to venture into eco-friendly methods of farming that suited the contemporary world. The researcher suggested that demonstration and experiments on the use of guano fertilizer had to be done in order to increase guano utilisation in Chireya. Recommendations made were that: the government should introduce communal bat funded projects, and the local authority-Gokwe North Rural Council should encourage their people to make use of locally acquired resources to make money.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Adult Education

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