Research Papers : [58] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 58
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-Oct-2021The Change Project Approach: A response for reorienting teacher education to address Education 2030 in southern Africa – The case of Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
2021Critical Appreciation of the Dichotomy of Harm and Healing in Selected War Fiction in Shona Language - Communal and Everyday Aspects of Healing in Zimbabwe
15-Dec-2021University Lecturers and Students Preparedness for Online Teaching and Learning in Zimbabwe
4-Sep-2021Calamities Abound: Impact of COVID-19 Face-to-Screen Induced Learning among University Students in Zimbabwe
1-Apr-2021A Geography Teacher's Responsiveness to the Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) Needs of Zimbabwean English Second Language (ESL) Learners in Syllabus Interpretation and Instructional Design
1-Aug-2021Optimising multimodality in the teaching of Literature in English at Advanced Level in Zimbabwean schools.
2022The Zimbabwe liberation war family in selected war novels - implications to post-independence governance
2022Message of hope for the restoration of an African identity in Mai Charamba's gospel music - A practical criticism
15-Mar-2022Assessment strategies for work related learning in industrial clothing design and construction. A case of two polytechnic colleges in Zimbabwe.
30-Dec-2021Dynamics of Political Entrepreneurship among the Elites in Post-Colonial Zimbabwe
2018Comparative Effect of Two Problem-solving Instructional Strategies on Students’ Achievement in Stoichiometry
2018Implementing a Target-Task Problem-Solving Model in teaching Electrochemistry to Advanced level chemistry learners.
2019Celebrating traditional medical practice in the Shona novel Ndoitawo Zvakaita Vamwe
2009The Eight Years of Interaction: Lessons from Zimbabwe’s Look East Policy and the Future of African Countries and Asia-Pacific Region
2019Hlengwe Memories of the Zimbabwean Liberation Struggle, 1975–1979
2014Colonial Economic Disempowerment and the Responses of the Hlengwe Peasantry of the South East Lowveld of Zimbabwe: 1890-1965
2012Semantically Enhanced Composition Writing With Learners of English as a Second Language (ESL)
2018Instructional interventions used to develop cognitive academic language proficiency in the teaching of a content area subject to English second language learners.
2011Pursuing the humanity of subalterns on the farm in Zimbabwean literature.
2009Motivations and expectations of pre service student teachers specialising in mathematics at two primary teachers colleges in Zimbabwe
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 58