Research Papers : [61] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 61
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2016A Review of the Global Trophy Hunting Procedures and Processes with Illustrations from Zimbabwe
2014Is the Tourism Industry A Fragile Heavy Weight? Validation through a Literature Review of Tourism System Shocks
14-Feb-2022Ecotourism success story in Zimbabwe: The case of Tsholotsho CAMPFIRE project
Feb-2022The Politicization of COVID-19 Omicron: Southern Africa Tourism Sector
2022Human–wildlife tourism conflict: towards an inclusive wildlife resources utilisation approach in southern Africa
2021COVID-19 and game park employees’ livelihoods in a distressed destination
2021Political crises and tourism in Sub-Saharan Africa: destination recovery post-coup d'état
2021Exhibitors’ preference at trade fairs: the case of Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF)
2022COVID-19 impacts on tourism: Southern Africa’s experiences
2021COVID-19 and employee-customer relationship: hotel frontline employee perceptions
2017The effort reward imbalance model and work related stress in 3-5 Star hotels in Zimbabwe
2017Victoria Falls curio sector analysis: insights through the lens of a dollarized economy
2018An investigation of e-commerce adoption inhibitors in the Tourism industry: A Zimbabwe National Parks Perspective
2018Cultural capital, digital capital and stakeholder partnerships: a holy trinity for a sustainable cultural tourism trajectory
2018A survey of visitor satisfaction at Victoria Falls Rainforest
2018The Tourism Sector: A bright light in Zimbabwe`s depressed economic environment
2018Re-tooling challenges for Zimbabwean tourism operators in a multi-currency trading environment
2019A Critical Review of Common Methodological Approaches in Environmental Sustainability Practices within the Hotel Sector: In Pursuit of a Befitting Synthesis.
2019Hotel Characteristics and the Adoption of Demand Oriented Hotel Green Practices in Zimbabwe: A Regression
2012Women in hotel management in Zimbabwe: career ambitions, progression tactics, and career challenges
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 61