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Title: An examination of participation of rural women in local governance: the case of Mutasa rural district
Authors: Chikovha, Abigail
Keywords: rural women participation, local governance, Zimbabwe
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This study examines the level and forms of participation of rural women in local governance in Zimbabwe with a focus on Mutasa Rural District in Manicaland Province. The study focused on women’s participation in local governance and in decision making structures such as Council, Ward Development Committees (WADCOs), Ward Assemblies, Village Development Committees (VIDCOs), Village Assemblies and Water Point Committees (WPCs). The Liberal Feminist theory was used to guide this study. The liberal feminist movement focuses on eliminating female subordination rooted in customary and legal constraints which blocks women's entrance to and success in the public world (Tong, 1989). This theory applies to this study as there is need to eliminate women’s subordination and to enhance women’s participation in local governance or public space so that their interests and needs are represented and addressed as those of males. Mixed research was used in conducting this research. This implies the integrated use of quantitative and qualitative data in carrying out the study. A sample size of 5% was used and stratified random sampling based on sex was used to come up with respondents for quantitative data collection while purposive sampling was used to determine respondents for qualitative data collection. A total of 382 questionnaires were administered, 15 Key Informant interviews carried out and 4 single sex Focus Group Discussions conducted for this study. Two thirds of the respondents were females to allow them to express their views and speak for themselves as this study focuses on women. Findings show that women mostly participate meaningfully in WPCs more than any other development decision making structure in local governance. This is because this decision making structure is found closer to the villages/homes and that it deals with the improvement in the delivery of water of which women are the ones mostly affected by unavailability of water as they are the ones who do domestic chores. Findings also show that women least participate in Council activities and there is the low representation of women in this decision making structure. This is largely attributed to women looking down upon each other, lack of understanding of the benefits of participation, patriarchy as well as well as lack of resources for campaigning particularly those women who would want to be elected into office, for example as Councillors.  
Appears in Collections:Master Of Arts In Development Studies

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