Research Papers : [52] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 52
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Trends and Patterns in Turnaround Strategies: A Bibliometric Perspective and Future Research Agenda
1-Jan-2022Corporate Governance Challenges for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Constrained Zimbabwean Economy
2022Understanding Top Management Teams' Characteristics for Effective Turnaround Management: Evidence From the Zimbabwean Manufacturing Sector
2022Financial Restructuring and Commercial Banks Performance Nexus in Zimbabwe
Jun-2022The impact of ICT adoption decision-making: Case of Zimbabwean SME owner-managers
19-Sep-2022The Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown on Working Capital Management and Profitability of Firms: A Case Study of Lesley Bakers PVT LTD
2021The role of entrepreneurship in reducing poverty in agricultural communities
Sep-2020Assessing the impact of transformative innovation strategies on organisational growth in the Zimbabwean Telecoms
2014The effects of corporate social responsibility (Csr) on corporate brand positioning
2012Towards an epistemology of management and economics in the Zimbabwean music industry
2012Patterns of live music promotion and management in Zimbabwe
2020Skin color and investment performance in South Africa's mutual funds industry
2018Safety and health management practices in SMEs in Harare - Zimbabwe
2016Survival Strategies: Case Study of Retail Hardware SMEs in Shurugwi – Zimbabwe
2018Improving capacity utilisation of furniture manufacturing SMEs through market based view : a case of Gweru, Zimbabwe .
2019An evaluation of the resource based view strategies adopted by furniture manufacturing SMEs in Zimbabwe
2021Hybrid corporate culture and its impact on strategy implementation in commercialised state enterprises in Zimbabwe
2021The impact of communication design on strategy implementation success - a study of commercialised state owned enterprises in the communication technology and courier services sector of Zimbabwe
2018Human resource management practices: a case of SMEs in Zimbabwe
2019Evaluation of the cluster location decision on the performance of furniture manufacturing SMEs in Zimbabwe
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 52