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Title: Adaptation to climate change and promotion of environmental sustainability in Zimbabwe’s semi-arid areas: the case of Ngundu ward in Chivi: paper presented at a conference held on the 14th-16th July 2015, Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Fallls, Zimbabwe
Authors: Nciizah, Elinah
Keywords: Environmental sustainability, weather variability, adaptation, semi-arid areas
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Midlands State University
Series/Report no.: Conference Proceedings;
Abstract: Promotion of environmental sustainability is a vital way in safeguarding resources across the globe .All human survival and well-being depend upon natural resources which are a source of livelihood for everyone. Yet in recent decades the resource base in many countries has diminished due to such issues as deforestation, desertification and climate change. The loss of resources is a global challenge, especially for the world’s poor, who largely depend on resources for food, clean water and shelter. While this paper acknowledges that promotion of environmental sustainability is a prerequisite if development is to be realized, it argues that, climate chnage can be a major hindrance to the achievement of such development. In this regard, this paper examined ways of promoting environmental sustainability given the challenges posed by climate change in Ngundu ward of Chivi District within Masvingo Province. The study discovered that adaptation can play a significant role in promoting environmental sustainability. The study in many respects promotes adaptation measures at community level so as to achieve environmental sustainability. Adaptation involves adjustments to enhance the viability of social and economic activities by reducing vulnerability to climate change. It involves changing agricultural practices to suit current climate and weather patterns. Questionnaires, key informant interviews and focus group discussions were the data sources implemented in this study. The study discovered that people in Ngundu ward have implemented adaptation measures like the practice of conservation agriculture, crop selection among others. These adaptation measures can ensure environmental sustainability and reduction of poverty and hunger.
Description: Theme: 1st International Research Conference On Driving Socio-Economic Development Through Value Addition And Sustainable Use Of Resources
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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