Research Papers : [36] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 36 of 36
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Perceived sexual harassment among female students at a Zimbabwean institution of higher learning
2012Behavioural and emotional development in children of divorce
2012A survey of job satisfaction of employees at higher learning institutions in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe
2008Teacher ratings and standardised test scores: how good for predicting achievement in students with learning support placement?
2007Teacher attitudes towards the inclusion of children with mild hearing impairments into the regular school settings
2007A Survey of the views of college students on academic dishonesty
2006Community psychology in Zimbabwe: past, present and future
2016The calculus of disclosure of HIV seropositive status: experiences of HIV positive pregnant women at a rural hospital, Manicaland, Zimbabwe.
2016To cut or not to cut: factors influencing the uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision among older men in Gweru, Zimbabwe.
2015Perceived school climate factors of bullying among Gweru urban high school adolescents : indicators for intervention
2013Towards promotion of maternal health: the psychological impact of obstetric fistula on women in Zimbabwe
2015“Bearing my fruit into the grave”: experiences of anticipatory grieving and bereavement among Zimbabwean HIV positive women with loss of their only child
2012Implementation of aids education curriculum in Gweru urban primary schools
2014Substance use among in-school adolescents in Gweru, Zimbabwe: perceived predictive and protective factors
2008Prevalency of academic dishonesty among high school students in Zimbabwe
2007Stressors faced by university students and their coping strategies: a case study of Midlands State University students in Zimbabwe
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 36 of 36