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AS - Asia, other 1426
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Total 4535
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ID: d9fbb04a-c01c-46c0-8183-e0f46d614a24 - Critical reflections on the contribution to democratic deliberation of a typical conversational rhizome on twitter: a case study of Professor Jonathan Moyo’s selected tweets. 1006
ID: a0049531-bbaf-41e5-9dbc-3a6a10218b38 - Reportage of artisanal mining and environmental issues in Zimbabwe by The Sunday News and The Standard from 2017 to 2018 465
ID: b41d0e74-a672-4eef-b2b8-bd9ea369cda3 - The ‘socialness’ of online social media: Conversations with selected Midlands State University students. 249
ID: 969e10ff-e667-4c24-bd93-3174b1f502ed - ZANU PFs factionalism and rethinking The Herald’s political economy 76
ID: 3b9574db-4bdd-4e1c-af0a-0ceb722a736c - Social Media and Elections in Zimbabwe: Twitter War between Pro-ZANU-PF and Pro-MDC-A Netizens 59
ID: aa1dfb50-15c0-451f-8a39-8e4580a510e6 - Kingmakers and\or Factionalists? Framing of ZANU PF Youths in The Herald and NewsDay. 57
ID: be0924bb-b55a-4bae-9b93-443a38962e88 - Representation of environmental awareness communication campaigns : case of the Environmental Management Agency 52
ID: c3c7f1bf-1067-4b1f-9dc8-3c3bde911ee0 - The contestations on the state of journalism in Zimbabwe between old school and contemporary journalists in Zimbabwe 52
ID: cecc5daa-212c-48bf-a0bd-2e88861c1eff - Dimensions of democracy and digital political activism on Hopewell Chin’ono and Jacob Ngarivhume Twitter accounts towards the July 31st demonstrations in Zimbabwe 52
ID: 90abcb73-a0b4-4de9-b6d7-e535482098b6 - Experiences of female journalists in Zimbabwean male-dominated newsrooms 50
ID: 142863f5-964d-46c1-bc49-0663446b7dae - Representation of Grace Mugabe's political career : a construct of her gender ? a case of The Herald and Newsday. 48
ID: 8962f6fb-2896-42b0-8676-d549e4117e48 - The interface between football and ethnic identity discourses in Zimbabwe 47
ID: 0f0c992c-720c-439d-a0e0-f9ad04b4cb51 - Taming the " digital leviathan" : a study of the digital strategies adopted by the Herald 46
ID: 17db1d42-b2e3-45fd-8cc7-fd69c6bb5689 - Othering the other? The Herald and the Newsday’s framing of victims, the Harare city council and land barons in the context of the current housing demolitions by the local authority. 41
ID: ac339ea0-8072-4d11-9e94-2c8129c602af - Representation of minority linguistic groups by broadcast media in Zimbabwe: a case of Star FM programme-mother tongue march 39
ID: 0b5d29a6-66f4-4258-a227-1538f481b935 - Social media and the COVID-19: South African and Zimbabwean Netizens’ response to a pandemic 38
ID: f9ab482e-f478-47c9-970e-9be51e3b4ec0 - "Community newspapers underreporting the environment.”: the case of the Times and the Sun newspapers in the Midlands province of Zimbabwe. 37
ID: 30a6641e-ee0b-4655-9985-2b66c5efea62 - The rebranding of ZANU PF in the new political dispensation between the period of December 2017 and March 2018: a case of ZBC news online. 36
ID: 56a77675-9c08-4c84-92e6-8b96aa3d9dd0 - Harassment among people on the web. an analysis of netizens’ responses to Patson Dzamara’s posts with regards to the disapperance of Itai Dzamara. 36
ID: 98907b11-ad21-4dfa-a185-12229ed8a38c - Framing the ZDF’s November/December 2017 operation restore legacy: the case of the Herald and Daily News 36
ID: d571f684-52c6-4257-a826-76a86a79b105 - The film industry in Zimbabwe- growth and production challenges: a case of Gona raMachingura and Checkmate 36
ID: e87e0123-3d98-4491-9d86-c05b0010968c - A decolonial reading of the herald’s construction of the local/ foreign coach debate 34
ID: f8ae62c7-93f1-418e-8179-7e8db5918885 - Media and women: The representation of African women in Isibaya. 34
ID: 4ee86bd3-ccbc-4816-b6c7-b04ec7461d31 - Rethinking the role of political economy in The Herald’s construction of factional fighting in Zanu-PF post 2013. 33
ID: 94703e23-8fb4-48ba-b79d-dea5159f726f - The uptake of converged in newsroom platforms in Zimbabwe : a case study of media centre from 2016 to date 32
ID: 10437b7a-be20-4ba9-b7fd-811cdc0fe381 - A decolonial reading of the CNN framing of the Ebola crisis. 31
ID: 5eff7158-509d-41e2-805a-205144d5de7b - [ Kunyarara hakusi kutaura] The role of The Sunday Mail and The Sunday News in fostering inter-ethnic peace and tolerance in Zimbabwe 1987-1990. 31
ID: acc5a6a3-2c28-49bf-892d-676e7cba5e70 - The Zimbabwe Museum for Human Science (ZMHS) and the preservation and communication of cultural heritage 31
ID: e58abaa6-3bd7-4818-b3d1-a7bc75bbbfb5 - Portrayal of " other" christian denominations on christian networks focus on Yadah TV and Christ TV 31
ID: 60186200-4f07-4fc4-ac56-375dd7028ac4 - My body my business: digital media advocacy for LGBT+ society in Zimbabwe 30
ID: 77d76e61-2f79-4d98-ba22-1e6f788d33c5 - Economic survival strategies and tactics used by pirate community radio stations in Zimbabwe. Case study Patsaka Nyaminyami Community Radio 30
ID: cb019017-106a-4b97-b3c1-47e694fbb1c9 - " Global media " coverage of the ZDF Iin intervention in governance in Zimbabwe : the case of Al Jazeera and BBC 30
ID: ec357b90-7901-47bd-b143-da0524bc3ffb - An ethnographic appreciation of sexual vilification of women in print media: case of H-Metro 30
ID: 58025dec-5f75-471e-9de3-b501d22b4ed9 - Fighting for survival: persons with disabilities’ activism for the mediatisation of COVID-19 information 29
ID: 7c9ea689-3112-4b8e-8450-c2ccc6cbe129 - Framing of Bongani Mafu as Highlanders FC coach in the Chronicle 29
ID: 5b9f8935-855c-40b0-a692-d4ef2ec67465 - Media, big men and power struggles in football bodies: framing the impasse between the ZIFA and PSI leadership in selected media 28
ID: e081129c-84f8-42f4-8a1e-d0ac97e82321 - Social commentary, subaltern voices and the alternative medium of Zimdancehall music: unpacking the music of Winky D and Sniper Storm 28
ID: 65b98b32-a3b6-490a-8eb8-ad129cbe51d0 - New media and the interrogation of the South African justice and equality project: a case study of Facebook and twitter use during and after the Oscar pistorius trial 27
ID: e1ef60b8-2d0c-4dfb-825b-c5cee8f68919 - ‘Political gladiators’ on Facebook in Zimbabwe: a discursive analysis of intra-Zimbabwe African National Union -PF cyber wars; Baba Jukwa versus Amai Jukwa 27
ID: f0e02a4c-4c6e-4d97-8dc8-c4030684f381 - Framing the proposed opposition alliance prior to 31 July 2013 elections: a case of the Herald and Newsday 27
ID: 597bf343-da63-4c59-92c0-7f9a597be915 - Press coverage of the Zimbabwe men's national football team and re-imagining the nation 26
ID: 9612cfab-affc-43f4-8b31-afd1f13f707c - Selection, Salience and political identities. A constructionist approach to the political representation of ZANU-PF succession disputes in The Herald and Daily News from May 2014 to December 2014. 26
ID: b141f0f8-44b6-4fbd-a127-c93dfe09223a - Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems in the Zimbabwean media industry and the debate on self-regulation 26
ID: de28066e-1cb9-4114-a953-1a0cd4b5290c - A social - semiotic engagement with opposition social movements in online newspapers in Zimbabwe : case of #This Flag in the Herald online. 26
ID: 4449bc96-fbaa-422e-9149-51e241b70d27 - Graphical design techniques and hybridisation of software in newspaper production : a case of the Daily News 25
ID: e1fea096-5a8b-4f6f-9cd1-7874ab674d34 - The decolonial turn: reference lists in PhD theses as markers of theoretical shift/stasis in media and journalism studies at selected South African universities 25
ID: e5e8fbf1-aee3-4cc9-98a5-3e9d6be86c85 - Rethinking news values and newsroom practices in postcolonial contexts and the construction of subaltern identities 25
ID: fe05859f-b141-4c35-b0fc-532002b26abe - Locating Sembène’s mégotage in Zimbabwe’s kiya kiya video-film production 25
ID: 6050801d-0fa3-471e-828d-3f31f601bb4a - A social-semiotic engagement with representations of President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai in The from June 2008 to July 2013 23
ID: 7ccaa87f-3da4-42bb-b92b-92cdd31c8c66 - Digital age as ethical maze: citizen journalism ethics during crises in Zimbabwe and South Africa 23
ID: f15c6300-8d7d-4705-8011-22776dc97080 - From ‘African Cinema’ to Film Services industries: A Cinematic Fact 23
Total 3403

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0000 1519 34
2023 58178 28419520578 3862107193 20 1400
2024 04 1873617171165 667000 00 3101
Ever 4535