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Region #
AF - Africa 325
AS - Asia, other 274
NA - North America 228
EU - Europe 76
OC - Oceania 58
Unknown 146
Total 1107
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ZW - Zimbabwe 242
SG - Singapore 233
US - United States of America 222
AU - Australia 57
CI - Cote d'Ivoire 53
DE - Germany 26
CN - China 25
ZA - South Africa 17
GB - United Kingdom 12
JP - Japan 11
other - Other Country 209
Total 1107
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Singapore 161
Harare 158
Boardman 86
Marondera 31
Brisbane 24
Melbourne 19
Beijing 17
Dublin 8
Johannesburg 8
Tappahannock 7
other 588
Total 1107
Most viewed items #
ID: 5c634633-3863-4f54-ad7f-eed0200a2d60 - Written Zimbabwean drama as/ and intervention: The case of Raisedon Baya's Super Patriots and Morons and Tomorrow's People 149
ID: f25883f0-186b-4e0b-80c8-5c8ac1c45399 - ‘Hear our Voices’: Female popular musicians in post-independence Zimbabwe 39
ID: 2b0bb67b-1232-4119-81e0-c4a3ce9d829b - ‘Repetition without change?’: A critical discourse analysis of selected ZANU-PF advertisements for the July 2013 and July 2018 elections 38
ID: 585c31ed-6a2e-416a-94d6-01d5efb3e3cd - “Zollywood, Zimbavision and Zimbowood?”: In search of new paradigms for Zimbabwe's film industry 31
ID: 5c8b4630-4432-4249-8076-f3f2d6f73e0e - Indigeneity, belonging, ‘madness’ and ‘corruption’: Brett Muvet and the white man’s identity crisis in post-2000 Zimbabwe 30
ID: 2baadc64-2fdf-4bf3-95d3-e7cdb1dd6098 - Constructing Nationalist Masculine Identities: Heroism and Legitimacy in Joshua Nkomo's The Story of my Life 27
ID: 5c742695-5a8e-4c72-87ce-7fdffda2495e - Is this not colonization? Framing Sino-South African relations in South Africa’s mainstream press 26
ID: d3165e75-4898-460e-8010-bc57bf29a6aa - Culture and religion as sources of gender inequality: rethinking challenges women face in contemporary Africa 26
ID: 7769bb00-438e-4f1f-a48e-4f18df235e65 - Journalism beyond the Coup: Emerging Forms of Digital Journalism Practices in Post-Coup Zimbabwe 25
ID: 745ae196-d30e-4f8a-9e56-5cfd53de1be2 - Emerging Methods and Challenges Associated With Teaching and Learning Media Studies During the COVID-19 Pandemic Induced Lockdowns in Zimbabwe and South Africa 23
ID: 42a1afea-1cee-4405-b70a-7b442a407f13 - 79 Cybermusic, copyright issues and the democratic ‘deficit’ in Zimbabwe 22
ID: 5020b269-dc4c-45d8-9da5-c87cd90cc1a6 - Sabhuku vharazipi’ (2012) and the cultural imperatives of community theatre 22
ID: f8f86f5f-4163-47f7-a13f-8f9879a66685 - Street theatre in Zimbabwe: a history of connection, disconnection, and reconnection 22
ID: fdd4ae16-fab8-4b8f-b9d4-24cb35be2ebe - Three pandemics in post-2017 Zimbabwe: authoritarianism, corruption, and ruling through Covid-19 22
ID: 035de745-4a4b-4c7a-b8a8-698c7ff829a6 - Opposition political parties’ coalition in Zimbabwe: Challenges and possibilities 21
ID: 56362d43-5019-48a1-8bdd-afecd3a9e59b - Children scripting sexualities, adult attitudes and school-based sex education in Zimbabwe 21
ID: 663e409f-9ea9-4f63-a4e3-9c193e79cb16 - Newsroom Disruptions and Opportunities in Times of Crisis: Analysing Southern African Media During the COVID-19 Crisis 21
ID: 0425e0cd-e552-4bca-8d77-0485cacfcc1a - The production of stardom and the survival dynamics of the Zimbabwean music industry in the post-2000 crisis period 20
ID: 598b6645-f9b4-4c69-ae07-b207ea99d693 - The Discursive Dynamics of Action-Research and Zimbabwean San People’s Production of Audio-Visual Stories 20
ID: 069ffe6d-e9e2-4509-a350-4476d4ba7f53 - Intersections of nativism and football fandom in Zimbabwean online spaces 19
ID: d1b92625-ee1c-40e9-aa12-7a102c4bd4dd - Challenges for Online Sermons and Online Communion during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Historical Perspective of Rural Congregations in the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe 19
ID: 7523a89a-f5d6-42bb-a9de-1bd1a2ecbd79 - Victory for Africa or the Arab world? Moroccan nationalism, Arab exceptionalism, pan-African solidarity and digital fandom during the 2022 FIFA World Cup 18
ID: 9655b05a-1efb-4abf-8cbb-40f339cc9f56 - Rethinking Edgar Tekere’s a lifetime of struggle 17
ID: 0ef133b9-df1b-4989-bf0b-d1eb44ee62f9 - Thematic concerns in the emergent Zimbabwean short film genre 16
ID: 66624522-4402-48a2-ade3-3b6320f758e7 - Media and development: the politics of framing gender struggles in the postcolonial zimbabwean shona films 16
ID: ad023043-293b-4913-a616-1aaf5405868f - Language censorship in selected Zimbabwean films in Shona and English 16
ID: af990836-5714-4f41-8e0c-090b469b8e75 - Representations of Matabeleland and Midlands disturbances through the documentary film Gukurahundi: A moment of Madness(2007) 16
ID: 94ab38b3-eada-4d17-b9cf-f2413b88fc25 - Zimbabwe’s community radio ‘initiatives’: Promoting alternative media in a restrictive legislative environment 15
ID: 94e14817-da3b-497b-8969-370283b3afd4 - Promoting epistemic vigilance against racist attacks on Africans on mediatised permanent education sites 15
ID: 1f2e2d4a-44d8-41b9-8627-f7ef2a69d686 - Towards peace, healing and reconciliation in Zimbabwe:Theatricalising political violence through Rituals (201 I) 13
ID: 5176e24b-d9b7-466c-bf18-473a3c495301 - Music, land and liberation theology: exploring mai Charamba’s ‘Africa’ and Fungisai Zvakavapano-Mashavave’s ‘Hamheno Anoramba’ 13
ID: 69bae5ec-34e1-4564-859c-804a3e036a8c - Lyrical Film: The case of Tanyaradzwa 13
ID: 279545d3-096b-4c46-af7d-0fbf088341a8 - Censorship and economic film in Zimbabwe 12
ID: 51ec6f9d-4848-4b32-bde0-4472e7581251 - The paradox of Africa’s poverty: the role of indigenous knowledge in Zimbabwe’s environmental management issues 12
ID: 64f73f3b-64d1-41cd-a365-de4e21683108 - Song and political satire in the play, The Honourable MP (1987) 12
ID: a342a51a-e2e0-42b2-bce6-4613b16e7728 - Women as their “own liberators”: creating new frames through film 12
ID: d7c2f15c-ace6-41c8-af7d-f6e74dc054af - Playing the politics of erasure: (post)colonial film images and cultural genocide in Zimbabwe 12
ID: 2097e250-296a-48e3-a0c9-aedff01949a4 - An analysis of the language of communication used by Barclays Bank Zimbabwe 11
ID: 38c15e3a-1f0c-4fd1-921b-c8b69d647f41 - Exploring the communicative function of light, sound and colour in Hotel Rwanda 11
ID: 7ddfa2a2-dff3-4e29-985b-5172073b697c - Genocide in Rwanda and Chile : from Manchuca (2004) to Sometimes in April (2005) 11
ID: 924fa5f3-09cc-46ef-a1e8-d0cf9ff018dc - Representation of land and ownership in the Zimbabwean public media 11
ID: a30f4a0a-19ab-4c63-8a07-1ba9d43359db - The significance of the 'decolonial' epistemology in the study of African theatre 11
ID: b80da873-4a80-4c04-8192-fb6ff0c96b4e - (Re)inventing african oral traditions and national heritage[s] through film images: the case of Keita! The heritage of the Griot [1995] and Kare kare zvako: Mother’s day [2004] 11
ID: d9786b5f-85e6-414e-849a-5e46ead982c4 - Femininity and masculinity in Stephen Chifunyise’s written plays:the case of intimate affairs and muramu 11
ID: ebda7b32-7352-43d2-888d-704950fa7ad9 - Contestation of hegemonies through propaganda theatre in post 2000 Zimbabwe:The case of Madzoka Zimbabwe and The Coup 11
ID: 6d05974c-a7f5-4495-b32e-4981d6c4f63f - Visualising history on screen: the film "Lumumba" (2000) and the political contradictions of [Post] Colonial Congo 10
ID: b053c2fa-02f5-4f82-9b8d-cece4615b2c0 - Rhetorical devices in the language of Shona printed adverts 10
ID: 232e012d-5394-4cc1-9bf2-159a8362bd66 - HIV and AIDS: The violence of visuality and the visuality of violence 9
ID: 3da9a08f-e327-45d3-9ab0-a11bd630915f - "Advertisers do not sell products or services but benefits of products or services": the case of ZB SMS banking advert in Zimbabwe 9
ID: 7de31d2b-a015-4074-beca-654e1a090ffa - Song and the Zimbabwean film, Flame (1996) 9
ID: e48b291f-b2c8-4c10-b2a8-71fe13f89d05 - Film representations of the Rwandan Genocide 9
Total 1015

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2023 26 66303928 3046684 10 356
2024 01 5448199402 47000 00 751
Ever 1107