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Region #
AS - Asia, other 642
NA - North America 471
AF - Africa 375
EU - Europe 111
OC - Oceania 92
SA - South America 9
Unknown 148
Total 1848
Country #
SG - Singapore 517
US - United States of America 462
ZW - Zimbabwe 325
CN - China 92
AU - Australia 90
DE - Germany 34
CI - Cote d'Ivoire 22
PT - Portugal 22
ZA - South Africa 19
IN - India 14
other - Other Country 251
Total 1848
City #
Singapore 414
Harare 252
Boardman 139
Santa Clara 54
Brisbane 28
Melbourne 26
Beijing 22
Perth 16
Shenzhen 15
Canberra 11
other 855
Total 1832
Most viewed items #
ID: b4064db5-c028-476b-9158-d1c64976ffb4 - Digital marketing adoption by National Tourism Organisations (NTOs): A Zimbabwean perspective. 76
ID: ca9f8b63-5e4e-4eb1-8cd6-944cd6754a8a - Service Quality: A Key Determinant of Organisational Competitiveness 72
ID: 6437b6b0-d2a0-4693-bfae-b206467adf1c - Agritourism: A Possible Alternative to Zimbabwe’s Tourism Product? 59
ID: 1b34d7b6-bcf5-4361-a82f-0f472e924198 - Graduates’ perception of tourism and hospitality degree program relevance to career attainment: a case of graduates from three state universities in Zimbabwe 57
ID: 57860c14-8f42-43e7-b134-51a5aa8b646f - Staffing and Working Conditions of Employees in Chinese Restaurants in Zimbabwe- Justifiable 57
ID: 453519ee-013b-490c-af11-2edc80f6a29e - Economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Hotel business in Zimbabwe 53
ID: 33ef3cab-1633-4f07-bac2-a895dc5e00a1 - Human–wildlife tourism conflict: towards an inclusive wildlife resources utilisation approach in southern Africa 45
ID: b2e2d06f-ff78-4a68-9240-f5ec424cb8e6 - A Review of the Global Trophy Hunting Procedures and Processes with Illustrations from Zimbabwe 45
ID: 0e07aec6-dc93-4c4c-ba6d-53b8df673775 - FIFA 2010 World Cup: Preparedness of Zimbabwean Hotels. 44
ID: 11662474-e1b2-425c-a636-b0bc1dd897a1 - Perceptions and practice of tipping amongst domestic tourists in Zimbabwe 43
ID: 8ea7ab0f-8dac-4c56-8b52-fbe6e534dbc3 - The role of creative tourism through arts and crafts in promoting inclusive tourism in Zimbabwe 43
ID: 280b308d-c0f2-4f00-85f4-25c1d5001311 - Is the Tourism Industry A Fragile Heavy Weight? Validation through a Literature Review of Tourism System Shocks 40
ID: acbf3c98-7d3c-428d-8ae4-644b4292c290 - A Critique of the Methodological Approaches to Hotel Guest Green Consumerism Empirical Researches Since 2000 40
ID: 878f97fd-04e9-46d3-b859-2f24ad2b3176 - Implications of China’s Approved Tourism Destination Status (ADS) on Zimbabwe’s Tourism Environment: Insights from Local and Government Tourism Groups in Zimbabwe 39
ID: 8fdc26dc-d9cc-4526-9fbf-9ea7bd0437d6 - Groundwater development and management constraints in drought prone Chiredzi and Zvishavane Districts, Zimbabwe 38
ID: cac504b3-a16b-4b8f-96d7-c22a3a131b74 - Tour guiding in Zimbabwe: key issues and challenges 38
ID: 05eb3410-3a83-4a93-a4b3-59ad76a7768c - COVID-19 and employee-customer relationship: hotel frontline employee perceptions 37
ID: a037b87d-5696-415e-8b37-844f907cb364 - Southern Africa Tourism Industry: Recent Trends and Future Prospects 37
ID: 2e38a2a5-be70-4474-aeb6-b81cfec01d8c - Women in hotel management in Zimbabwe: career ambitions, progression tactics, and career challenges 36
ID: 5e2b3540-4f77-4602-9b50-1fad0095491d - Post 2010 evaluation of Zimbabwe as a preferred tourist destination. 36
ID: 8b408802-9231-4cc3-a9fc-af25eb18eec6 - Ecotourism success story in Zimbabwe: The case of Tsholotsho CAMPFIRE project 35
ID: c8461df4-0143-42c8-9d97-f20cb2cac00d - A survey of visitor satisfaction at Victoria Falls Rainforest 33
ID: 20230c07-2025-474d-b25b-147cb1234145 - A Perceived Significance of Hosting Ata`s Congress in Victoria Falls on Zimbabwe`s Tourism Sector 31
ID: 097b1429-5823-4192-ac67-12ad90cab056 - Prospects of virtual exhibitions in the Global South: An exhibitors’ perception 30
ID: 71b08221-93bb-42cd-bd79-3edee94e906e - Zimbabwean hospitality students’ experiences of sexual harassment in the hotel industry 30
ID: 0d1573dc-b81a-4d19-a565-7b3a010da116 - Trans-Frontier Parks: Tourism Development and Poverty Alleviation Vehicles - Lessons from Southern Africa 28
ID: 35170b5d-c569-4b7d-8f2f-1e0cd299a6ac - Marketing Destination Zimbabwe During and Post the 2000-2008 Political and Economic Crises 28
ID: 908125f3-9498-4e08-810e-8f5ed9177a18 - A Peep into Tourism Development in Zimbabwe: 1980-2010 28
ID: c9f1be5b-d616-4e7a-815c-b129cf963a64 - The Politicization of COVID-19 Omicron: Southern Africa Tourism Sector 27
ID: cfa07fbc-2f7b-4694-9be4-a2e207b3ff2c - Winners and losers: local perceptions of Kruger National Park's commercialisation process 27
ID: 2a379b46-64e4-4b23-858d-5d083cca095e - COVID-19 and game park employees’ livelihoods in a distressed destination 26
ID: 53e34f01-1597-488c-9d86-9ce060d0161b - Hotel Characteristics and the Adoption of Demand Oriented Hotel Green Practices in Zimbabwe: A Regression 26
ID: efd87fef-2f14-42d6-af73-dd31f022fa5c - The Tourism Sector: A bright light in Zimbabwe`s depressed economic environment 26
ID: eff44fba-2123-4172-b913-e80a38880d58 - Exhibitors’ preference at trade fairs: the case of Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) 26
ID: 9d26d787-de1c-4ad6-8b88-c7d42d431150 - COVID-19 impacts on tourism: Southern Africa’s experiences 25
ID: 4fc30d82-44db-40ed-bfed-c7e3edc68147 - CSR reporting among Zimbabwe's hotel groups: a content analysis 23
ID: 7d479795-ff5a-48d0-a053-5f588173e45e - Beyond the rhetoric: Chinotimba residents’ perceptions of the legacy of the 2010 FIFA World Cup 23
ID: 9116ff09-061b-400b-bfb9-537faf6cba18 - Critical shifts in the global tourism industry: perspectives from Africa 23
ID: 93471d10-9cab-4bbe-a6d8-b650b286a0d4 - Negotiating livelihoods among Chivi curio traders in a depressed Zimbabwe tourism trading environment 23
ID: a8e0e15f-c57b-4250-a616-5d1bc91ff996 - The effort reward imbalance model and work related stress in 3-5 Star hotels in Zimbabwe 23
ID: c14113fa-6077-4b1b-9577-fcd09d83e1b3 - Greening Gweru urban tourist lodges: low levels of ecoliteracy, green awareness and actions 23
ID: 21fdde33-7b48-4b3f-81a8-e88509f9db90 - A study into guest perceptions of service quality and loyalty in hotels in Harare 22
ID: 23ad0273-68e7-4d5e-9fd4-c1e71d0bcabc - The physical impacts of tourism in Zimbabwe: the state of the art 22
ID: e3f69079-0712-4592-bd9b-1bd7327dc3e0 - An application of the virtual reality 360° concept to the Great Zimbabwe monument 22
ID: 1f9f2e8d-e85c-4a9e-a4b6-2d230f36af26 - The future of tourism in Zimbabwe: towards sustainability? 21
ID: 6b47132b-61b2-476e-acaf-3deac3d7197a - Come and make a real difference: online marketing of the volunteering experience to Zimbabwe 21
ID: fe1a83e7-c50a-4bce-9d1f-be5c8c132f62 - Victoria Falls curio sector analysis: insights through the lens of a dollarized economy 21
ID: 87f4f4d0-14d9-410e-878b-f45bcb0d14fd - Cultural capital, digital capital and stakeholder partnerships: a holy trinity for a sustainable cultural tourism trajectory 20
ID: b13a95ec-bed9-4bf3-b9f9-6a627a2c7baa - Tipping practices and policies in Zimbabwe's hotel industry: impacts on restaurant waiters' service delivery and work relationships 20
ID: b1c0592e-be64-4711-b485-1e1415ab12b2 - Doing tourism in Southern Africa amid the coronavirus pandemic: Navigating political, socioeconomic and environmental inequalities 19
ID: 16cc8ac6-1c27-4386-91f7-1644fee53c80 - Political crises and tourism in Sub-Saharan Africa: destination recovery post-coup d'état 18
Total 1705

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0000 26 8
2023 717 913822111 47254157 20 458
2024 02 78115114295 571335880 00 1382
Ever 1848