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Region #
AF - Africa 630
AS - Asia, other 560
NA - North America 493
EU - Europe 175
OC - Oceania 142
SA - South America 14
Unknown Continent - Not applicable 2
Unknown 122
Total 2138
Country #
US - United States of America 483
SG - Singapore 475
ZW - Zimbabwe 397
AU - Australia 141
CI - Cote d'Ivoire 130
DE - Germany 66
ZA - South Africa 47
CN - China 41
IE - Ireland 27
NG - Nigeria 21
other - Other Country 310
Total 2138
City #
Harare 297
Singapore 296
Boardman 268
Brisbane 60
Melbourne 49
Marondera 40
Beijing 24
Tappahannock 17
Canberra 15
Dublin 15
other 1001
Total 2082
Most viewed items #
ID: 4888a9e6-1a88-4e21-99d4-1f889ff3bee7 - The origins of theatre in Zimbabwe 58
ID: 988943d9-dcc2-4f08-bd77-6495fb86cfd3 - Approaches to management and treatment of Nhova among indigenous practitioners and selected Christian churches 39
ID: 5495229f-a41d-40e0-94c8-dbc793a06137 - Repression, Literary Dissent and the Paradox of Censorship in Zimbabwe 34
ID: 9c9a797e-cc78-4fc5-8077-11088e18cef5 - Black September et al: Chimurenga songs as historical narratives in the Zimbabwean Liberation war* 33
ID: 426e8633-ce3e-495b-a84e-8f7ae32b4faa - Migration dynamics and the devolution agenda in Matabeleland South Province of Zimbabwe 32
ID: 636fe822-6fe6-4d91-9887-20b5bc6d3e9a - The manifestation of self-hatred in Mabvumira eNhetembo 31
ID: f5160b9a-a154-43e3-bc49-11bbdd67b8b4 - Language Preservation, Evolution, and Loss: The Case of the Shona Language Spoken in Kenya 31
ID: 47e4926a-0eb3-4c8f-bc08-db87a005a14b - Traditional house painting, architecture, decorative motifs and their cosmological underpinnings: the case of ward 17 Matobo district. 29
ID: c871ad25-c4a3-4a22-a516-daaf43366333 - The politics of colonial residential place names in Zvishavane, Zimbabwe: unmasking European hegemony 28
ID: e832e254-dbc0-4356-a1f3-8329ddf55049 - Shona names: their origins and import. 27
ID: 49dd0426-848c-47af-a338-bfac9ab3c7ff - Family disintegration and migration in selected Shona musical voices in Zimbabwe 26
ID: 70af3835-0d05-46d8-a0c1-b172648e39f9 - War songs and hope during the Second Chimurenga in Zimbabwe: a critical discourse analysis approach 26
ID: 7babdb13-3b0b-4760-bcbe-d518c0cc4543 - A national language policy for Zimbabwe in the twenty-first century: myth or reality? 26
ID: c4499140-e572-4f3a-a1b2-c3cfefd71b9b - The challenges and possibilities in the formulation and implementation of a national culture policy for Zimbabwe: a review of the 2007 culture policy document. 26
ID: 0d76ba27-9a1c-4a9c-81c2-737eaf2a3fe8 - The transformation of Imbube music in Zimbabwe: a case of Bulawayo 25
ID: 44ad016d-1abd-4998-90ef-42422a6a5438 - Media construction of reality : a critical analysis of the reportage of land reform in Shona and English Zimbabwean newspapers : the case of Kwayedza, The Herald, The Daily News and The Daily Mirror, 2000-2008 25
ID: 03e88899-ae69-4eaf-8ca6-3cf968c457f7 - Africa has to follow the example of Asian countries by promoting indigenous and not foreign languages to languages of education and development; a possibility or a form of self-delusion?: paper presented at the Department of English 6th international conference June 2011 24
ID: 4f7bc726-c3dc-4962-9710-851091fef189 - Language for development through drama and theatre in Zimbabwe: an African perspective 24
ID: 9f56378b-45a6-4d17-a2fb-dff6558cd4cf - (Re)naming patterns, initiation names and their significance among the Lemba people of Mberengwa, Zimbabwe 24
ID: bb6b60fa-3235-4656-898c-71ac677c55e9 - Multilingualism, localism and the nation : identity politics in the Zimbabwe Braodcasting Corporation 24
ID: cac43320-d93f-4c69-bc01-9c777c069839 - An Afrocentric muse on Sis Noe blogspot in ‘counselling’ youths on courtship, marriage and sexual matters in Sunday News 24
ID: f5841dcc-65fa-423b-b343-5aeaf059aaca - Revisiting the language question in Zimbabwe: a multilingual approach to the language in education policy 24
ID: 03cda90c-856d-4783-b390-7e1c0ecd011d - “Language Planning in Zimbabwe; the Conservation and Management of Indigenous Languages in Zimbabwe”. Paper presented at ICOMOS 14th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe on the 30th of October 2003. 23
ID: 5c74924c-150a-4e26-bd5b-f4a76845620c - Women in newspaper cartoon straps during the ‘Operation Restore Legacy’ in The NewsDay and The Chronicle 23
ID: 76b829f2-f543-409d-b121-2f04f94dc4f2 - ‘Ngena ku Smart’: Implications of Medical Male Circumcision on the Xhosa Custom of Ukusoka in Zimbabwe. 23
ID: 8d66c998-2a45-47ff-ae2f-19f701eb2c2b - The semiotics of unconventional automobile naming in Zimbabwe 23
ID: 149dbfb9-6757-4efd-bf0e-61d69c9364f2 - Adopting virtual classes during the COVID-19 lockdown: interrogating new approaches to teaching and the exclusion of learners in rural settings 22
ID: c81bd177-9a1e-4b3a-9025-ac9d4a0752cb - Indigenous media and social media convergence: adaptation of storytelling on Twitter, SoundCloud and YouTube 22
ID: f4ef895f-f9ef-4af2-978c-1a308f4e4b73 - Singing the second chimurenga (war of liberation): an Afrocentric elucidation of Simon Chimbetu’s selected songs 22
ID: f940bbd5-59f8-445f-b6bc-ed7acf6185e5 - A national language policy for Zimbabwe in the twenty- first century: myth or reality?: Paper presented at a Conference in Botswana 22
ID: 4b88133c-7dd3-44e5-945c-b361f11785fa - Visualisation of female characters in Huturu Hwemavanga (Vernom from the Scars), Chakwesha (The Boss) and Nguva Yakaoma (Hard Times) 21
ID: 928216e5-5c34-4c6d-a69c-ec9a714b6b4c - Relevance of the values celebrated by the Shangani people in komba songs in the poest independence Zimbabwe 21
ID: acb7e0b5-561e-4d2e-bc41-7cb6870c55d0 - The cultural and historical significance of Kalanga place names in Midlands Province of Zimbabwe 21
ID: baf4b3a3-2813-4565-8526-8d9db8752b32 - The depiction of Pungwe meetings (Night vigil) as theatre of the oppressed in selected Zimbabwean war literature. 21
ID: 2bb7dc2d-2081-4389-85c2-7d32aafdfb1f - Vulgarity as an expression of power and truth in selected Zimdancehall songs 20
ID: b704dea4-4bfc-4644-b780-991372d8847a - Forging Strong and Purposeful Husband-and-Wife Relations: An Africana Womanist Study of Love in Kireni Zulu’s Songs “Zveimba” and “Ndichakuvaraidza” 20
ID: c2fdfef3-f96b-4c2a-a540-8fd0f870288f - A strategy to alleviate poverty in the Matobo Hills World Heritage Site of Zimbabwe 20
ID: dbca2884-ba78-48e3-ac6b-d1ce634c57ee - Prospects and challenges of cross cultural counseling in the tertiary learning institutions: the case of the Midlands State University student affairs department 20
ID: 501a739f-2550-4a89-a7f2-7aaf0860b184 - Human factor development through Ngoma Buntibe among the BaTonga of Binga: the case of Sinakoma ward 19
ID: 72e547ab-7bb3-49d3-8e21-10fe859d3537 - Untranslatability is a myth 19
ID: 8c5b4534-8079-46eb-b28d-cbb1b8974f29 - Looking back in order to go forward: reading the proverb on a signpost. 19
ID: a1914cd8-1644-49b8-9298-6e44d309430e - Influence of an African Language on European place names in Zimbabwe: is it language corruption, language development or resistance? 19
ID: 08d5f151-85f3-47c4-bc42-6282c6d4d8c8 - Tracing family agency in Alick Macheso’s selected songs 18
ID: 0ca33bd5-338a-459f-a2b0-4594523ee722 - The intersections of comedy and politics in Zimbabwe: analysing Baba Tencen’s ‘Borderphobia’ and Prosper Ngomashi’s ‘Pastor and his wives’ 18
ID: 508834b8-b3d7-4d7c-8255-bc5ef1b12fdf - The African concept of a dual-sex system and Freir’s characteristics of dialogue as potential pivots of globalising world 18
ID: 89919952-6967-42f9-bfc6-d42d824d2cce - Articulation of Women’s Empowerment Through Poetry: A Critical Perspective 18
ID: 9eefdd93-5ad8-4ace-a6b9-3d55f5b647c8 - Folk-telling and Freire’s (1970) framework of banking versus dialogical methods of education – In search of innovation and social cohesion 18
ID: a9999f7d-c379-4d8b-acf9-3c55e2faa4c9 - An investigation into English second language competence and performance of Shona and Ndebele first language learners 18
ID: 6909b6bf-f7b5-4fff-ad09-f664701748f9 - Tracing the historical experiences of the Nambya people through their toponyms and antroponyms: paper presented at NSA (22-26 September 2014, Victoria Falls) 17
ID: 939d5eeb-62bc-42c9-b878-485f8c762dea - The imperative for cultural sustainability: reflections on the donor agenda and conditionalities in Zimbabwe: paper presented at the International conference on Arts and Sustainable development at Tshwane university of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa on the 27-29 June 2006 17
ID: 79df88f9-d3cc-4b67-aeb0-8d5b85716008 - Pungwe gatherings as forms of drama for development through music in Zimbabwe 16
Total 1218

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0000 928 37
2023 1948 210706280 262468110 30 720
2024 01 101181267762 69000 00 1381
Ever 2138