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Region #
AS - Asia, other 462
NA - North America 461
AF - Africa 274
EU - Europe 128
OC - Oceania 72
SA - South America 6
Unknown 50
Total 1453
Country #
US - United States of America 446
SG - Singapore 410
ZW - Zimbabwe 198
AU - Australia 71
PT - Portugal 40
DE - Germany 37
CI - Cote d'Ivoire 24
IN - India 16
ZA - South Africa 15
CN - China 14
other - Other Country 182
Total 1453
City #
Singapore 304
Boardman 165
Harare 150
Santa Clara 49
Brisbane 25
Melbourne 17
Inglewood 12
Canberra 11
Beijing 10
Marondera 10
other 689
Total 1442
Most viewed items #
ID: 23247367-9bbd-419b-aa93-1d700903ab48 - Constraints and opportunities to rabbit production in Zimbabwe: A case study of the Midlands Province, Zimbabwe 83
ID: cc9d01c1-00e6-49c8-ac8a-1386f0e1a1b6 - The effects of substituting cotton seed cake with dried poultry litter in the pen fattening of beef cattle 74
ID: 79d43629-e6c0-4cf3-a42d-2648b2586237 - Isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria in edible fish: A case study of rural aquaculture projects feeding livestock manure to fish in Zimbabwe 66
ID: aa7eb290-4922-4b1b-b6f6-45bd8872f5c9 - Communal cattle production in Zimbabwe: a review 65
ID: 49c56848-3efb-4d13-8aa4-f8ed4ed689fc - Fish Abundance and Species Composition between Fished and Non-fished Areas of Lake Chivero, Zimbabwe 56
ID: ca720f49-e3f9-435b-bb14-a0f80cec1b7f - A comparison of lion home range sizes in two management blocks in a semi-arid savannah National Park of Zimbabwe 53
ID: d26d8bd5-c7d1-4e3f-ba3e-e7646bb60099 - Harnessing data science to improve integrated management of invasive pest species across Africa: An application to Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) (J.E. Smith) (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) 47
ID: e3b41df2-2245-404f-a7ac-87f59791a8f2 - Impact of Agricultural activities on water quality in the Dufuya Dambos, Lower Gweru, Zimbabwe 44
ID: 8c1e0a15-3d21-4ce2-b767-5b78cace6013 - Socio-economic factors affecting the successful implementation of aquaculture projects in Zimbabwe; a case study of Chivi District 40
ID: 451efb53-162b-44af-8d94-5e5bfe0e5138 - Constraints and Opportunities to Guinea Fowl Production in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of the Midlands Province, Zimbabwe 33
ID: 68caa69a-9f4b-4560-b4cd-7d3cfa5474dc - Communal farmers’ perceptions of tick-borne diseases affecting cattle and investigation of tick control methods practiced in Zimbabwe 33
ID: 2b8b3b37-c83b-4dd2-8a10-e02e0c217539 - Forage–cattle relationships in a communally managed semi-arid savanna in northern Zululand, South Africa 31
ID: e6aac942-8d92-44dc-b332-14e3f67d7d9e - Sow removal in a commercial pig herd in Zimbabwe 31
ID: 05fd79d2-9a3f-417e-8880-245d64bade16 - Growth performance of broilers fed on sprouted-roasted guar bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) based diets 29
ID: 32729561-df19-406d-adae-50fb60389cf8 - Efficacy of different concentrations of aloe chabaudii leaf gel as a substitute for a sulfonamide for the control of avian coccidiosis 29
ID: 5b2b40dd-d6ba-4d55-9186-438fbf282a13 - Protected area concept effect on species composition and abundance: a case of Lake Mutirikwi, Zimbabwe 29
ID: 2ac1b088-9bfb-4298-9874-68da1d0da861 - Prevalence of bovine dermatophilosis infaction and the associated factors in the communal area of Murehwa Zimbabwe 28
ID: 6069d535-b8f0-4769-a92c-34cac2b2d83b - Pest interceptions on imported fresh fruits into South Africa 28
ID: 3d7af4f9-da54-42d9-a31d-8c723217574f - Sprout selection and performance of goats fed Acacia karroo coppices in the False Thornveld of the Eastern Cape, South Africa 27
ID: 4a4e464f-6c73-46f7-901c-ca5fa64167e7 - Large herbivore dynamics in northern Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe 27
ID: d38ba73f-27e4-47eb-8565-aa469c3a4746 - The effect of non-genetic factors on milk yield and composition of Red Dane cattle in Zimbabwe 27
ID: d86cdf83-7de7-4811-adcd-d4f780de2d9f - The prevalence of Taenia saginata cysticercosis in the Matabeleland Provinces of Zimbabwe 27
ID: fd3c9e98-ad15-46a5-b524-f21cb973d971 - Acaricide resistance in two tick species of veterinary importance in Zimbabwe: a case study of tick resistance to amitraz in the Mazowe district 26
ID: 2c699d8d-3741-460a-a691-59d352949fc9 - Shifts in the distribution of ixodid ticks parasitising cattle in Zimbabwe 25
ID: 01ac21f5-f679-478c-a8b2-afaa25e43851 - Milk yield and quality in Guernsey cows fed cottonseed cake-based diets partially substituted with baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) seed cake 24
ID: be9ad2a8-ecf1-4b41-ab98-05a9c7a0ee6f - Defecation rate variability in the common duiker: importance of food quality, season, sex and age 24
ID: e0364cdd-5b42-4c12-bd90-c3b6edf5db90 - Socioeconomic impacts of Australian redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus in Lake Kariba 24
ID: 2165eac3-a8d2-4153-8347-4b0c7b2581cf - Performance of Mashona doelings supplemented with different levels of velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens L. DC. var. utilis) seed meal 23
ID: 3edfdf4c-0365-4b61-96d6-9b1f8fe398e3 - An Investigation into the Efficiency of Utilization of Artificial Game Water Supplies by Wildlife Species in the North Eastern Kalahari Region of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe 23
ID: cb43f47d-a7af-4381-ada4-08c392a95250 - Validity of weight estimation models in pigs reared under different management conditions 23
ID: 089ad0f8-a507-4d06-b7be-b707a597fe83 - Nutrient intake, digestibility and nitrogen retention in indigenous goats fed on Acacia nilotica fruits treated for condensed tannins 22
ID: 63a5e13a-ee35-4f29-95a1-222072917b5e - Land ownership and range resources management in Zimbabwe: a histrorical review 22
ID: cd7e56b3-5393-4913-b5e1-cc803cbdd850 - Evaluation of cereal-legume intercropped forages for smallholder dairy production in Zimbabwe 21
ID: 1a0f9070-5c47-4bdb-83d2-418f708dfdf9 - Growth performance of Brangus steers fed graded levels of sun-dried broiler litter as a substitute for cottonseed cake 20
ID: 5fb0bd31-e804-4573-b9ac-d7dc23130ba1 - Climate change and specialty coffee potential in Ethiopia 20
ID: 74d04c24-4e16-40bb-aa41-3e00e5a79e17 - An update on the ecological distribution of the Ixodidae ticks in Zimbabwe 20
ID: 3e8a6339-2d0a-4567-9298-1f7a2ab3dfef - Population structure and genetic diversity of Rhipicephalus microplus in Zimbabwe 19
ID: d5d19062-b3ae-437a-a09b-1f6a2de86b77 - Research note: inclusion of lablab in maize and sorghum silages improves sheep performance 19
ID: ec0e81cd-0b4b-4e11-a9b6-800f0887a66e - Genotytyping acaricide resistance profiles of rhipicephalus microplus tick populatios from communal areas of Zimbabwe 19
ID: 0878ff03-9f0e-49a9-970f-4e9831e41ee7 - The effects of maize meal particle size distribution on broiler performance 18
ID: e7e1e3d5-21f6-4e9e-bb3a-b2e11f13581c - Modelling the distribution of Rhipicephalus microplus and R. decoloratus in Zimbabwe 18
ID: ea4e686d-fb4c-4907-a5bd-fdd2b72e9c35 - Estimates of intake and digestibility using n-alkanes in yearling Holstein-Friesian and Hereford heifers grazing on kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) pasture 17
ID: 1105faf9-ede5-4fc5-9a28-083703dd4f00 - Geographic distribution of the invasive cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus, a country-wide survey in Benin 16
ID: 3d1cccd7-6217-4274-9dce-0a8d6e22ae52 - Effect of cow urine on the growth characteristics of fusarium lateritium, an important coffee fungus in Zimbabwe 16
ID: 20346ca1-6966-42a8-ad46-d402e0417f53 - Forage-sheep relationships in communally managed moist thornveld in Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 15
ID: 52cb5d65-8bae-4362-9d71-0287879f3baf - Effect of grouping weaned piglets by weight classes: evidence from Zimbabwe 15
ID: 793462b4-2ce4-47b8-a29c-5e973aa96027 - A comparison of the lipid and fatty acid profiles from the kernels of the fruit (nuts) of Ximenia caffra and Ricinodendron rautanenii from Zimbabwe 15
ID: 05322abf-00fc-4826-abce-704a04ccbcb8 - In situ dry matter and nitrogen degradability of ammonium nitrate and urea treated dry veld grass and Zea mays stover in mature goats 13
ID: 91901861-b5f2-43e1-a156-dec2888aec3a - Effect of protein and energy levels on faecal progesterone concentration in Sabi ewes during oestrus cycle 11
ID: ed2774df-94b8-4685-a62e-73058a884d47 - Determination of acaricide resistance in the tick species of veterinary importance in Zimbabwe: a case study of resistance to amitraz in Mazoe district 10
ID: 02c882d4-07fb-4055-800e-5ac6a0dba9e9 - Optimization of phytase concentration from Aspergillus ficuum for phytate-bound phosphorus release in cereal meals 8
Total 1453

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 00039 51 45
2023 1525 62291413 432944 40 242
2024 01 4481119301 721084400 00 1166
Ever 1453