Collection Statistics: Master Of Education Degree In Educational Psychology

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Geo Map
Continent #
AS - Asia, other 92
AF - Africa 85
NA - North America 14
EU - Europe 4
SA - South America 2
Unknown 1
Total 198
Country #
PH - Philippines 81
ZW - Zimbabwe 78
US - United States of America 13
KH - Cambodia 10
GH - Ghana 5
CO - Colombia 2
ES - Spain 2
GB - United Kingdom 2
ZA - South Africa 2
CA - Canada 1
other - Other Country 2
Total 198
City #
Harare 69
Cainta 50
Naga 21
Phnom Penh 10
Accra 4
Boardman 4
Marondera 4
Tarlac City 4
Alcalá de Henares 2
London 2
other 28
Total 198
Most downloaded files #
ID: d268fd91-d5c3-4643-b7e3-07cc611e576e - TIMBURWA.pdf - ITEM:( 11408/2483) 104
Total 104

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2023 141 33199 32321 00 78
2024 00 489576 0000 00 120
Ever 198