Collection Statistics: Master Of Education Degree In Sociology Of Education

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Geo Map
Continent #
AF - Africa 38
AS - Asia, other 25
NA - North America 21
EU - Europe 4
SA - South America 1
Total 89
Country #
ZW - Zimbabwe 31
US - United States of America 21
CN - China 16
PH - Philippines 5
GH - Ghana 3
ID - Indonesia 3
ZA - South Africa 2
CO - Colombia 1
CZ - Czech Republic 1
GB - United Kingdom 1
other - Other Country 5
Total 89
City #
Harare 17
Boardman 11
Beijing 4
Mutare 4
Accra 3
Jinjiang 3
Cagayan de Oro 2
Palembang 2
Yanji 2
Yiwu 2
other 39
Total 89
Most downloaded files #
ID: 8c2c8cd2-f213-42f7-99e1-563e04add9ef - CHIPAWU.pdf - ITEM:( 11408/2477) 47
Total 47

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0000 10 1
2023 83 104720 6100 00 59
2024 06 12213 5000 00 29
Ever 89