Collection Statistics: Master Of Commerce In Accounting Degree

from:  ever     to:   now     Change date range
Geo Map
Continent #
AF - Africa 969
NA - North America 175
EU - Europe 32
AS - Asia, other 21
SA - South America 2
Unknown 8
Total 1207
Country #
ZW - Zimbabwe 869
US - United States of America 173
ZA - South Africa 41
NG - Nigeria 19
ET - Ethiopia 15
GB - United Kingdom 8
TZ - Tanzania 6
FR - France 5
SZ - Swaziland 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
other - Other Country 62
Total 1207
City #
Harare 586
Marondera 74
Boardman 48
Bindura 33
Alberton 20
Ashburn 17
Bulawayo 15
Council Bluffs 13
Johannesburg 9
Lagos 9
other 383
Total 1207
Most downloaded files #
ID: d9200568-3e72-48f3-b984-2cc7cc7492f7 - kapesa.pdf - ITEM:( 11408/2671) 184
Total 184

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0000 103 13
2023 123118 127587878 681020 50 631
2024 016 99118140114 76000 00 563
Ever 1207