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Full Name
Muzvidziwa, Victor N.
Main Affiliation
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Professor Victor Ngonidzashe Muzvidziwa has worked in University and Tertiary Education since 1983. He was appointed to the full Professor grade in 2004.

Professor Muzvidziwa is an extensively published scholar who commands tremendous respect in the academia. He has authored many books, monographs, refereed journal articles, book chapters, conference papers and consultancy reports. He has published locally, regionally and internationally. Prof Muzvidziwa is an editorial Board member of several refereed journals such as the Journal of Social Development in Africa and Lwati Journal of Research. He has worked with reputable international organisations such as WHO, UNICEF and USAID.

His areas of interest encompass livelihoods studies, gender, migration, housing and leadership studies. Prof Muzvidziwa possesses extensive administrative experience in university education. He is a former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Zimbabwe (UZ), Dean of the Faculty of Social Studies (UZ) and also Dean of the Faculty of Social Science of the University of Swaziland (UNISWA), an Academic Leader for Research and Post Graduate Studies School of Social Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Senior Proctor (UZ), Warden, a two term Chairman of the Sociology Department UZ, and has served in various committees of Senate and Council at UZ, UNISWA and UKZN. He first joined UZ as a Teaching Assistant and rose through the academic ranks to become full Professor. Professor Muzvidziwa is a member of several professional and academic associations such as Anthropology Southern Africa, Pan African Anthropological Association and the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. He is an active member of the Zimbabwe Human Factor Chapter. He is the Board of Trustees Chairman for the proposed Southern Africa Methodist University and a Board Member for the Action Institute for Environment, Health and Development Communication.

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Results 1-20 of 33 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12001Zimbabwe's cross-border women traders:multiple identities and responses to new challenges
22006Women without borders : transborder movements as a coping and investment strategy
32011Women and the concept of servant leadership biblical influences
42006The teaching of anthropology in Zimbabwe over the past forty years: continuities and discontinuities.
52006The teaching of anthropology in Zimbabwe over the past forty years continuities and discontinuities
62005Sustainable development? Zimbabwean wildlife conservancies, state crisis, the rise, promise and failure of community based ecotourism development lessons for the Southern African Development Community (SADC)
71999Survival of urban women under ESAP in Masvingo, Zimbabwe
82001Spousal abuse and homicide
91997Rural-urban linkages: Masvingo's doublerooted female heads of households
102004Reflections on ethical issues: a study of how urban women dealt with impoverishment
111997Prostitutes: vendors of another type
122008Organisational culture, the media and the school.
132019Modus operandi and the socio-spatial milieu in which immigrant niche markets vis-a-vis informal economic activities
142018The Midlands State University 18th Congregation 23 November 2018 Vice Chancellor's speech
152004Livelihoods, gender entrepreneurship and empowerment: Zimbabwean women informal cross border traders and Sadc regional integration
162001Keeping a foot in the village:Masvingo urban women
172005Informal settlement dwellers and environmental problems .
182012Hunhu (Ubuntu) and schools discipline in Africa
19Jun-2008The human factor and the University: the case of University of Zimbabwe
202003Housing, productivity and worker motivation