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Showing results 1 to 20 of 823  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-20226 Billion People Have No Access to Safe, Timely, and Affordable Cardiac Surgical Care
30-Jun-2021A- Level Textile Technology and Design Curriculum Compatibility with Industry Requirements in Harare, Zimbabwe
2021Absolute and relative reliability of SCRuM test battery components assembled for schoolboy rugby players playing competitive rugby in low-resource settings: A pragmatic in-season test-retest approach
30-Jun-2024Academic pursuits in the study of music: Reflections on artificial intelligence
6-Jul-2023Acceptance of contemporary songs in the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe liturgy: Ruwa section, Goromonzi
4-Oct-2024Access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities by women with disabilities in Zimbabwe’s Harare Metropolitan Province during COVID-19
30-Aug-2024Achieving Gender Equality and Women Leadership in a selected State University in Zimbabwe: A Feminist Capabilities approach
24-Jun-2023Adaptability analysis of quinoa cultivation: A case study of Zimbabwe
22-Aug-2024Adaptation and Coping Strategies of Women to Reduce Food Insecurity in an Era of Climate Change: A Case of Chireya District, Zimbabwe
23-Aug-2022Adaptive Thresholding of CNN Features for Maize Leaf Disease Classification and Severity Estimation
4-Mar-2024Adult Learning Strategies Used in Higher Education Institutions in Zimbabwe for Lifelong Learning in the Accounting Field
27-May-2022Advances in schistosomiasis drug discovery based on natural products.
4-Jan-2023Advancing feminist innovation in sport studies: A transdisciplinary dialogue on gender, health and wellbeing
2014Advertising Strategies and Tactics Applied by the Flea Market Traders to Alleviate Poverty in Zimbabwe. Case of Mupedzanhamo (Harare) and Global Flea Market (Gweru)
Jul-2015Aerobic mesophilic treatment of potato industry wastewater
11-Sep-2024African Entrepreneurship in urban colonial Zimbabwe: The case of Highfield, 1953–1965
2023African Spirituality and the Gukurahundi Mass Grave Exhumations in Zimbabwe
2024The agency of the elderly women in indigenous responses to COVID-19-related mental health challenges among the Ndau of south-eastern Zimbabwe
Jun-2016Agritourism: A Possible Alternative to Zimbabwe’s Tourism Product?
15-Mar-2024Agronomic Suitability for Oil Palm Growing in Uganda