Collection Statistics: Bachelor Of Science In Applied Physics And Instrumentaton Honours Degree

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Geo Map
Continent #
AF - Africa 47
AS - Asia, other 28
NA - North America 19
EU - Europe 13
SA - South America 3
Total 110
Country #
ZW - Zimbabwe 44
PH - Philippines 18
US - United States of America 18
DE - Germany 3
BR - Brazil 2
FR - France 2
ID - Indonesia 2
MY - Malaysia 2
RU - Russian Federation 2
AZ - Azerbaijan 1
other - Other Country 16
Total 110
City #
Harare 31
General Trias 16
Aranguren 2
Banda Aceh 2
Johor Bahru 2
Marondera 2
Saintry-sur-Seine 2
Ashburn 1
Baku 1
Blomberg 1
other 50
Total 110
Most downloaded files #
ID: 73aa1c79-5c7d-4602-b024-baa82b459234 - transcript 1.pdf - ITEM:( 11408/3607) 42
Total 42

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0000 01 1
2023 67 297165 6110 00 78
2024 00 5889 1000 00 31
Ever 110