Collection Statistics: Bachelor Of Science In Politics And Public Management Honours Degree

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Geo Map
Continent #
AF - Africa 3393
NA - North America 517
EU - Europe 132
AS - Asia, other 68
SA - South America 11
Unknown Continent - Not applicable 6
OC - Oceania 3
Unknown 42
Total 4172
Country #
ZW - Zimbabwe 3149
US - United States of America 513
ZA - South Africa 114
GB - United Kingdom 33
MW - Malawi 30
NG - Nigeria 26
MU - Mauritius 21
DE - Germany 19
UA - Ukraine 14
BW - Botswana 13
other - Other Country 240
Total 4172
City #
Harare 2206
Marondera 384
Council Bluffs 64
Ashburn 56
Bindura 52
Johannesburg 45
Boardman 38
Bulawayo 33
Lilongwe 23
The Dalles 23
other 1220
Total 4144
Most downloaded files #
ID: 0f54db88-8320-4a6f-869b-11a08d83cf1e - Emmy final dissertation.pdf - ITEM:( 11408/3677) 203
Total 203

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0000 3920 59
2023 60169 375193243271 8435157126 140 1727
2024 011 301621732350 371000 00 2386
Ever 4172