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Region #
AS - Asia, other 241
NA - North America 239
AF - Africa 217
EU - Europe 117
OC - Oceania 53
SA - South America 4
Unknown 168
Total 1039
Country #
US - United States of America 231
SG - Singapore 207
ZW - Zimbabwe 166
DE - Germany 61
AU - Australia 50
CI - Cote d'Ivoire 28
CN - China 17
ZA - South Africa 17
IE - Ireland 12
PT - Portugal 11
other - Other Country 239
Total 1039
City #
Singapore 156
Boardman 128
Harare 101
Marondera 30
Brisbane 24
Beijing 12
Hanover 12
Melbourne 11
Dublin 10
Sydney 8
other 547
Total 1039
Most viewed items #
ID: 0cfd98ac-fb88-494c-bfdd-3ab9d27d75cd - Reasons for the Street Girl’s Entry into Commercial Sex Work: A Case Study of the Harare Central Business District, Zimbabwe (RSGECSWH 46
ID: 3a808d60-0f39-4820-a11a-21585d3cd17e - Child trafficking and child smuggling in Zimbabwe: legislation and policy gap 44
ID: 1fbeddd9-1929-47c3-9eee-11b9b5716fa5 - Mental health sources for Catholics in Marondera, Zimbabwe 38
ID: f0841a8a-4abe-4c63-b37a-c73adb8a1585 - Aging in Zimbabwe: Reflections 41 Years After Independence 37
ID: 3ea171b2-37ba-4e8a-a378-796ec7d4db5d - An alternative to patriarchal marriage: Mapoto Unions 35
ID: dc8109fb-fd69-4a5a-ba23-94d1335b3490 - Online Learning a Rude Wake-Up Call on Inclusive Education in Zimbabwean University Context: 3rd International Multidisciplinary Information Technology and Engineering Conference (IMITEC) Windhoek, Namibia 23-25 November 2021 35
ID: 1ed253fe-7387-4aea-88b0-b9aeea0f1f5a - The portrayal of older persons in grade 3 primary school children’s textbooks in Zimbabwe 32
ID: 5fe15800-0cbf-482f-a0d9-03589093cd2c - A stubborn culture? Zimbabwean migrants and the quest for a decent burial during the Covid-19 pandemic 30
ID: d1fc0f92-dc0c-4e74-bb70-5f523893c704 - “It’s a lot of things”: Zimbabwean university students’ perceptions on the causes of suicide ideation and suicidality among youths during the COVID-19 pandemic 29
ID: 37df67a7-fc03-49e6-bd2c-54325bf6966e - Is urban agriculture sustaining the urban poor? a study of grandmother headed households (GHHs) in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 28
ID: 24a6987b-4b0d-431b-8c4c-37e154aa49ab - Two sides of the stream: the politics of belonging between foreign ex-farm workers and A1 farmers on a fast track farm in Zimbabwe 27
ID: 7eb9d20c-8620-43a5-991d-c1662a0ab81c - Editorial: engaging new analytical perspectives on gender in the African context 27
ID: 994ad7a0-6b44-4dce-b859-a1781766093f - Food vending: adaptation under difficult circumstances 25
ID: aa2178e0-aa90-4d53-bf17-1c8f59e823af - Cross-border traders: emerging, multiple and shifting identities 25
ID: 2bda585b-8ef6-4186-bb3f-4052db3d189d - Representations of Ageing in Contemporary Zimbabwe: A Gerontological Reading of NoViolet Bulawayo’s (2013) We Need New Names 24
ID: afa3b7bf-15c2-46a9-b75a-03f2363fc50c - Modus operandi and the socio-spatial milieu in which immigrant niche markets vis-a-vis informal economic activities 24
ID: c71a5af0-c266-410c-a1cb-4d53b36ea459 - Married women breadwinners:a myth or reality? 24
ID: 1d574060-b720-4626-9e4a-e2701a829546 - “Sex is sex, marriage is marriage”: infidelity amongst married women in Shamva, Zimbabwe 23
ID: ce6a7cc4-e3ed-4c6f-a07a-6aac9331adad - Subaltern urbanism as a way of life: Redefining and (re)imagining postcolonial urbanity in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 23
ID: 544ac6f2-7e4b-491f-b785-d9c007c1a87b - Conservancies as a development tool in Zimbabwe's CAMPFIRE Districts 22
ID: 03ebe4ec-f659-45a5-8443-79b4b8d2d867 - Keeping a foot in the village:Masvingo urban women 21
ID: 3031f3c4-5c78-40a4-8f23-ff653d8e26f7 - Effects of COVID-19 on the Livelihoods of Women with Disabilities in Zimbabwe: A Study of Three Low-Income Areas in Harare Metropolitan Province 21
ID: 63272474-6329-456e-a643-bfbcdfdef967 - Informal settlement dwellers and environmental problems . 21
ID: 6517a5a8-8498-42e1-b919-d0f774e1892c - Accessing housing, constraints and coping strategies by female-headed households in masvingo, Zimbabwe 21
ID: 11a3790b-275b-4223-acee-9c704a783a15 - Reflections on ethical issues: a study of how urban women dealt with impoverishment 20
ID: 68209b5a-95cb-45d8-b778-6f263eba08b5 - Zimbabwe's cross-border women traders:multiple identities and responses to new challenges 20
ID: 781f49de-bccc-474f-8bbc-0dd2419677c1 - African culture and the social implications and consequences of globalization 20
ID: a637af3c-139e-49bf-b533-95787536ee56 - Culture, politics and material landscaping as strategies of belonging: the case of ex-farm workers of foreign origin in Bushu communal areas, Zimbabwe 19
ID: d7b864c4-9d6c-4066-9c08-7539bb254999 - The human factor and the University: the case of University of Zimbabwe 18
ID: 8098c384-3a72-43e2-8fce-ed7a2311f619 - Anatomy of Alterity: Instrumental Identies Among the San in Zimbabwe 17
ID: a47b5fe7-d3a5-4466-946b-3a80a7fb158d - Football, Colonialism, and Nationalist Resistance in Anglophone Africa 17
ID: bb418961-766f-41d5-b5c6-d1055b84d26a - Employment and new trends in migration in Swaziland: emergent issues and policy implications 17
ID: 676ed31f-b31f-4896-9647-627f1427a631 - “Let Them Stay There”: COVID-19 and Zimbabwe’s Indignation Against Return Migrants and Travelers 16
ID: 77505e7f-59e9-4748-9156-246e28d288b1 - Prostitutes: vendors of another type 16
ID: c391bff4-1cfc-4258-9dfe-754e7efbc6f1 - The perceptions and attitudes of adolescent street girls on the use of traditional medicine and commercial sex work in Harare Central Business District 15
ID: cfc59b9a-034b-4a15-a7a5-1b69174ea783 - Women who watch and support English football in Zimbabwe: a transnational analysis of female fandoms 15
ID: ece4ed91-8292-4992-b744-49fdc830e880 - Hanging in there: Zimbabwean migrant workers in Johannesburg 14
ID: 1213f468-57a6-4b95-b3a0-850cecdb073c - Confronting difficult circumstances: the case of Masvingo widows 13
ID: 3e61b8a8-8da9-48cb-be2b-6195a8f5a318 - Women without borders : transborder movements as a coping and investment strategy 13
ID: 78c50a32-0dfe-4d05-82f4-48fe9da89543 - Communal Land and Belonging Among Foreign Former Farmworkers in Zimbabwe 13
ID: 79d640f3-7280-4bbc-aaea-aa1504e01e71 - Cross-border trade: a strategy for climbing out of poverty in Masvingo, Zimbabwe 12
ID: 8be30329-8df7-4a7c-80d7-03b16776181c - Dealing with impoverishment: sourcing and selling food in Masvingo 12
ID: 99316db1-2bec-4e77-bf8a-340892414acf - Sexuality as a tool to gain political power: an introspection of Zimbabwean elections of 2013 12
ID: c498a154-818f-44cf-bc4c-c1f7e44ac149 - Survival of urban women under ESAP in Masvingo, Zimbabwe 12
ID: bf9bae74-d716-4d02-ad45-955b42cce2dc - Rural-urban linkages: Masvingo's doublerooted female heads of households 11
ID: c6b69739-86c4-437a-a167-965e2154a665 - Globalisation and Higher Education in Africa: the case of the African University 11
ID: 2c53c50f-6ba9-45fd-81e5-859bd4536999 - Marriage as a survival strategy: the case of Masvingo, Zimbabwe 9
ID: 8fb2e42c-49f6-4661-8ccc-1fa19a02ea86 - Spousal abuse and homicide 8
ID: 68f873d1-a2f8-4354-908d-3181c6cdd8da - Double-rootedness and networking among urban migrants in Zimbabwe 7
Total 1039

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 00062 97 78
2023 914 56182426 7639108 40 311
2024 02 666571280 6310300 00 650
Ever 1039