General Statistics

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Geo Map
Region #
AF - Africa 206
NA - North America 199
AS - Asia, other 184
EU - Europe 110
OC - Oceania 40
SA - South America 1
Unknown 5
Total 745
Country #
US - United States of America 178
SG - Singapore 148
ZW - Zimbabwe 148
AU - Australia 38
PT - Portugal 38
CI - Cote d'Ivoire 20
DE - Germany 19
IE - Ireland 19
ZA - South Africa 19
CA - Canada 14
other - Other Country 104
Total 745
City #
Harare 104
Singapore 103
Boardman 81
Dublin 19
Brisbane 18
Marondera 18
Santa Clara 15
Melbourne 10
Beijing 7
Bindura 5
other 350
Total 730
Most viewed items #
ID: d8841423-0146-4bc1-98f7-4eed44eb248f - An evaluation of the effectiveness of safety and health control programmes in the Zimbabwean mining sector: a case study of Mimosa mine 76
ID: b2d7518a-747a-4eb6-b9e6-86498cf22ce4 - An investigation into the causes of understaffing of registered nurses in mission hospitals: a case for Mashoko Mission Hospital 70
ID: ec807df6-0e77-47e7-b400-824392b5747e - An investigation into the state of preparedness and response capacities of the Zaka communities to cholera outbreaks 56
ID: 4beb676f-993b-4f0b-b442-9c35717837dc - An investigation into problems which the girl child faces when she drops out of school : a case study of Gutu district , Gona cluster 53
ID: 08dcd9c2-d814-4d4c-9d55-86bc77413c6d - An investigation on condom uptake among commercial sex workers in Jacha Epworth Zimbabwe 40
ID: 854268e6-3534-42e3-aa7e-191e0b46747b - An investigation of the factors contributing to limited growth in youth informal sector businesses in Masvingo Province: a case Study of Zaka District. 39
ID: a4ba13f2-bbac-4470-a3f0-cdbf1801596f - Domestic violence: understand experiences and perceptions of adult education students at a selected State University in Zimbabwe 36
ID: f56cd2d4-189c-4ee2-aea8-d9c9f9593d6c - The level of participation of women with disabilities in economic empowerment programmes in Gweru District 36
ID: 59238745-1325-4e41-8a15-e874eb50543f - An investigation into socio economic effects caused by the closure of companies: a case study of ZISCOSTEEL. 34
ID: bbfc9206-0121-4b42-80f6-0da6f0d38130 - Preparedness of health facilities to deal with factors contributing to HIV drug resistance in adult patients on anti - retroviral therapy : a case study of a clinic in Tsholotsho District 32
ID: e0151a25-0f9d-4d1c-a810-9560e8910c4e - Implementation of health education to psychiatric patients towards promotion of quality of life: a case of St Joseph Central Hospital. 32
ID: bc8dece2-38e3-48ab-a327-947759e6d953 - An investigation into micro-financing by Agribank in Harare: a case study of wards 3, 4, 11 and 12 in Mbare 30
ID: 79873a8c-1407-468e-937c-51b4d21fe06d - Militant piety: violence as a sacred duty 29
ID: 785ec257-684a-4e40-9b30-6711f268594f - An investigation into level of preparedness to Ebola Virus Disease in Zimbabwe: a case study of Tsholotsho District Hospital. 28
ID: f581c82e-f85b-4a25-8355-061ba2c8243e - Zimbabwean students' conceptions of selected ecological concepts 28
ID: 282c83f2-0a5f-41ea-9237-c370ae7d81b7 - An investigation into the suitability of Guano fertilizer on farming in Gokwe North District Chireya Ward 5 West Circuit in Midlands Zimbabwe. 27
ID: 1e26c996-a958-4d12-bbc8-7bbe2780f8e8 - An investigation into the challenges faced by those infected with HIV at birth, the support systems available to them and their effectiveness: case study Mashonaland West province. 26
ID: 33865f19-2224-4ec6-8ed2-d6223b56ee0d - Stakeholders' perceptions about causes of students' poor performance in secondary schools in the Lower Gweru Circuit in Zimbabwe 25
ID: 7fc347fe-2cb6-42ad-8d75-4fdffbe38192 - An investigation into the challenges that are being faced in the use and teaching of computers in schools: a case of six secondary schools in Chihota district Mashonaland East province, for the period (2012-2017). 25
ID: 1b2fe1da-d2d4-4a50-ad4e-fa5cac878fb9 - The impact of nutrition gardens on people living with HIV and Aids in Mutare north 23
Total 745

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0002 34 9
2023 1919 57252612 481442 20 228
2024 00 212871159 41331550 00 508
Ever 745