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PRECISE-DYAD is funded by the NIHR–Wellcome Partnership for Global Health Research Collaborative Award
PRECISE-HOME is funded by a United Kingdom Research and Innovation GCRF GROW award
Received financial support from the Merck Schistosomiasis Research Grant through funding from ARES Trading S.A., an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, to A. V.
Royal Society and African Academy of Sciences Future Leaders-African Independent Researchers (FLAIR) Scheme funded by the UK Government’s Grand Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) (Fellowship ref:
SML and YZ further acknowl- edge funding for this project received by the New Zealand Government to support the objectives of the Livestock Research Group of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases.
T.E.M. is supported by NIH Fogarty International Center Grant # D43TW010313, awarded to the University of Buffalo, SUNY, USA and the University of Zimbabwe’s HIV Research Training Program.
The analysis and write-up of the paper for the corresponding author was funded by the Swedish Research Council through the project Living with Microbial Roommates: Health Literacy Capability in Antimicrobial Resistance Educatio
The proposed study ideation emanated from a study supported by the Royal Society Grants
The Royal Society-Future Leaders-African Independent Researcher Fellowship supported by Global Challenges Research Fund
This study was supported financially by the CGIAR Initiatives Live- stock and Climate and Mitigate+: Low-Emission Food Systems, which are supported by contributors to the CGIAR Trust Fund, as well as by the European Union through the EU-DeSIRA ESSA project (Earth observa- tion and environmental sensing for climate-smart sustainable agro- pastoralism ecosystem transformation in East Africa)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Cooperative Agreement number 72061319CA00003—Kunda-Nqob’i TB Project.
University of Johannesburg Research Centre for Synthesis and Catalysis
University of Pretoria, Postgraduate Office scholarships in form of a bursary
Western Australian Department of Health Innovation Fellowship
Zimbabwe Sugar Association Experiment Station